Subject: I Made This Mistake And Still Got Over 80,000 Views On My YouTube Channel

Hey Friend!

So I have some exciting news.

This week I crossed 80,000 views on my new YouTube Channel.


If you've been watching any of my videos and/or are subscribed to my channel, I want to say THANK YOU SOOO MUCH for helping me to get here.

Also, to celebrate, I wanted to pass along a quick little tip I picked up in a course I bought yesterday that just might be able to help us both get even more views on our videos so we can,

  • reach more people,

  • generate more leads,

  • grow more residual income and yes, oh, yes -

  • just make the world a better place. :-)

Here's the link to the brand spankin' new video I just made today that shares this valuable tip for more YouTube Views.  

I heard a top earner one time say... "If you lose, make sure you don't lose the lesson too."

Today's tip can give you the chance to profit from a simple little mistake I've been making in my YouTube videos thus far.

I hope it helps you not make this same mistake, so you can succeed even faster.

To Freedom - and beyond,

Paul Hutchings

PS: Check out this post I saw from my friend Minister Kristian this week...

I'm SOOOO excited for this post for a few reasons...

  • Because Minister Kristian's residual income is growing.

  • Because know that the information his son can find inside our training products and community can help to point his mind and life in one of the best possible directions. (this information made ALL the difference for me when I was just getting started in life as a young man...)

Lastly, I'm SOOO excited about this post because it's proof that we have created something that is sooo good, Minister Kristian is willing to share it with his close family, who he loves.

A couple weeks ago, he also enrolled his brother into our community and business model.

When I first got started growing a residual income from home, I was in a network marketing company and they told us we had to prospect all of our friends and family.

This one of the things that led me to the internet.

So, in our company, we don't tell anyone they have to prospect friends and family...

And yet, here we have one of my best friends and community members, doing just that.


Not because anyone told him to do it...

But rather, because he believes in the real value of what we have, and wants those he loves, to have access to it.

This is also a huge compliment to us, because it shows that we are building trust with people.

So Friend, even though this is an online marketing business...

Even though, this is a place where you can earn MUCH higher residual payments for the work you do...

Even though, we do most of our work virtually...

We somehow, someway have seemed to have discovered how to build real trust with love, relationships and community.

This is one of the things I'm most proud of with what we are creating.

Anyway, HUGE congratz to Minister Kristian and his son...

If you want to take a look at what we're doing to see if it might be a blessing to you and your life in some way, I'd love to invite you to watch this video all the way through for a great introduction.

If you find that you love what you see there, like me and thousands of other Freedom Crusaders throughout the world, please go ahead and click the button on the page and fill out the form to get started.

I'll be there to help you on the other side.

And besides, isn't it better to take action on moving your life forward in a great way, than to allow slight fears or worries to hold you back from living your best life?

I sure do, and if you agree...

Here's the link to get started right now for just $25.