Subject: ⭐️How to serve people better AND make yourself more attractive to the the market at the same time.⭐️

have a friend who developed a really great little peace of tech that I knew would help people so I was happy to share it.  Thankfully, I was able to help gather 40 new customers for my friend in the last 2 days.  (More if you count the people my referrals shared it with) 

Last night, as I was talking to my friend, he told me he’d shared this tech with another friend who felt threatened that this tech, would reduce or eliminate the need for his personal, one on one, coaching services, and wouldn’t work anyway, without his expensive coaching coaching combined with the tech.  

So, instead of combining the tech with his services, he criticized the tech and put it down.  

Instead of choosing to serve the people he was serving at what could have been an enhanced level, he chose to ignore that opportunity for extra service and value.  

My friend said, while we were talking, ‘I sense a totally different energy around you Paul.’  

I went on to share my philosophy with my friend that, maybe is responsible for this different energy… 🤔

“My goal is to help people in the best way possible, all the time, reguardless of whether or not they buy anything from me.

I want to empower people to be their best, and do their best, and for me, this means empowering them in the best way I possibly can.  

I do not want people to ‘need’ me or be dependent or enslaved to my products, services, or ideas.  

If I sell, or teach, or inspire something that helps someone to find or strengthen their inner power, and they go off to do something great, completely separate from anything I’m doing (therefore decreasing my income from that person) - I will be their biggest fan and cheerleader.  

This philosophy, I believe, makes me more magnetic and attractive to people in the market and tends to help me earn more income because people tend to like, being around someone who has no intention of manipulating them, controlling them or keeping them enslaved to something.  

The principles here at play, I believe are as follows.  

1️⃣ Try to control people and they will tend to be repelled from you.   (I believe that freedom is a divine seed planted in each of our hearts, and we intuitively know that it’s a gift that must be respected if we wish to be in alignment with the the most high). 

2️⃣ Serve people with their highest good, always as your main intention and they will be attracted to you.   I trust and want to be around and reward these kinds of people with my time, attention, friendship, skills and money.  Why would anyone else be any different? 

‘What I want for myself, I want for everyone.’ 

All the best,

Paul Hutchings
PS - I pinched a nerve this morning bending over to get my socks out of a drawer, son of a BISCUIT!!! As long as I lie down on my back, the pain is minimal.  The moment it happened, as I screamed out in pain and my children laughed at me, I thought to myself… 

‘In every apparent setback lies the seed of an equal or greater advantage.’ 🤪

Instead of going to church, got to watch a cool documentary on Amazon about crypto and blockchain called “Cryptopia….” Which i like because it seems to cover all the angles… benefits, dangers and valid criticisms.  You might check it out if you’d like to further your education in this area.  

Benefit # 2, is as I lie on my back writing you this email from my smart phone, I’m realizing how powerful this business model really is.   I’m planning on recovering in a few days, but even if I didn’t, it’s amazing to know I have a global business in my pocket that I can run while stuck in bed, on my back.  How awesome is that?  

If you want to see the app mentioned in this email, or check out the residual cash cow of a business we’ve created to help free people all over the world, just reply to this email and let me know.  I’ll get you the deets in between my catching up on movies and documentaries.  😊
Hutchings Marketing LLC, 165 W Pacific #393, Blackfoot, Idaho 83221, United States
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