Subject: How To UNLEASH Your Infinite Power AND....

Hey Friend,

I got an email yesterday from a very successful friend who told me he was having some mindset challenges, as we all do, from time to time.

He wrote...



I got some major MINDSET issues.  How do you break OUT of a current mindset?  Every little thing that I know will be productive and good and advance the divine mission of my mortal existence—I AVOID.  

Every productive action, I put aside and put something else IN FRONT of it and do the ’something else’ instead of the thing!  I see myself doing this.  I KNOW I do it.  I KNOW I need to NOT.  Yet… I DO!  

He went on to tell me that he has some challenges from negative self talk, shoulding all over himself and a few other things...


The first thing I would say to my friend is... 'Dude... welcome to the club of the human family. All of this stuff is stuff we ALL are either dealing with right now or at least have dealt with at some time in the past.

The good news is, YOU'RE HUMAN and these are all signs that you are on the right path. The path of growth, self reflection and transformation.

Now, what do do about it all.

Today's mastermind is dedicated to answering these questions for my friend, and for anyone else out there who may have some of these things going on.

I truly believe it contains some PROFOUNDLY POWERFUL ideas that can help ANYONE with this stuff, so we can step into the light more fully, and BE what the divine is shining into us to BE, both for ourselves and the people around us.

All the best,


PS - The Big Reveal is still on it's way... Stay tuned and watch for my next few emails like you've never watched for anything before because it could be worth a LOT to you to pay extra special attention to what I'll be sending you over the next week...

PPS - Here's a short (1 minute clip) I just posted on my YouTube channel about where to find the best mentors. (Not what you might think) click the image below to check it out, if you want...