Subject: How To Make Money Online That's Not A Scam

Hey Friend!

I just published a new video on my YouTube channel that has my top 7 tips for being able to make money online while avoiding "scam" territory.   

I wish I didn't even have to make a video like this but for 15 years now, I continue to see people making the same mistakes over and over again...

...and I also see the same types of scams recycle themselves in new shiny wrappers, over and over again.

So.... I made the video to try and help people avoid wasting time, money and maybe even - avoid jail. (dramatic, I know, but possible....)

In this video I also included a simple 5 step formula that has helped me to sell over 7 million dollars of products online.

You can watch it here if any of this sounds intriguing or beneficial to you.

All the best,
