Subject: How To Make An Evergreen Lead Magnet (& other cool tricks)

Happy Monday Friend!

This morning on the Grow Rich Mastermind, I was wanting to share a couple quotes I'd written a few years ago, and couldn't quite remember them.

I pulled up a magical little document, clicked a link and instantly had the info I was looking for.

It got me thinking about how powerful knowing just a couple things about free tools has been to my life and business and so I decided to create this tutorial today for you.

If you decide to watch today's video you'll learn..

1. How to make an ebook with Google Docs

2.  How to make this same ebook - evergreen so whenever you edit it in the future, all the edits are instantly available to everyone who got your book.

3.  How to organize your document with links so you and your audience can find what they're looking for fast.

If any of that appeals to you Friend, this is the link to click so you can watch.

Oh, and here's one final little tip for you.

Some people might look at a video like this and say... "Gee Paul, this is some simple stuff you're teaching. Why would you take the time to teach something so simple?"

Here's why...

Because what's commone sense to you, is NOT - I repeat, NOT common sense to everyone.

Always remember that in your marketing Friend.

You can teach things that are very simple to you, and there is a high probability you'll be teaching something that some people you're connected to have no idea how to do.

In marketing, all you have to do is be just a few steps a head of someone on the journey to be able to teach things that others percieve as valuable.

Anway, that's all for today.

Thanks for reading and whatever you do, always go for your dreams!

All the best,

Paul Hutchings

PS - Here's the free treasure trove I showcase in today's video in case you want a copy for yourself. It's called Lighthouses For The Soul and I love it, because to me, it's filled with wisdom and truth. I hope it can shine some light for you and your path forward too!