Subject: How To Inspire The Most Powerful Decisions...

Hey Friend,

Yesterday I got a beautiful message from a beautiful soul.

It was from a friend and fellow entrepreneur, who's been a customer in our company for a few years now.

In the the message, he paid us with what could be, the greatest possible compliment you could ever get in business...

His trust.

He said... 'I'm all in, not just with the products, but with my life."


Here's the full message...

How powerful is that Friend?

Aside from making me very thankful, it also got me thinking..

How DO you inspire a powerful decision like this?

If you want to build a rock solid residual income, this is a golden question to ask and answer.

If you want money today, learn to inspire decisions that are transactional.

If you want money today, tomorrow and for life, learn to inspire decisions that are transformational.

How is this done?

I'm going to warn you in advance, you might not like half of the formula I'm about to share with you, but it's the truth so I'm gonna give it to you straight anyway.

Doing the right things, consistently over time = Powerful and long term influence....

What are the right things?

Your best effort today + your best effort tomorrow which is a little better than yesterday + the best intentions for people multiplied by the days of your life.

And here's a key distinction.

At no point ever, did we consciously try to 'get' Gregory to make this decision.

Instead, we said, "We want Gregory to make the best decisions for his life, and we're going to do our best to help support him in those decisions, and we're going to do it forever, because it's the right thing to do."

After Gregory watched us, doing the right things, over time, he made his own decision about what was best for him, and thankfully we were included as candidates based on our proven track record of demonstrating that we really care about him, over time.

This is how the most powerful, transformational and long lasting decisions are made.

I know it's not the magic formula that people are selling in product launches on the internet.

But it's the true formula.

Another aspect of doing the right things over time, that most people don't consider, is sticking with the thing.

I see so many people, join and quit.

Join and join something else.

Facebook post today about 1 thing, another tomorrow about another.

A decision to stand and fight today, only to run off to join another army tomorrow.

Would you want to follow someone, for life, who demonstrated over and over, that they don't even know which war they're in, let alone which army they should be fighting along side?

This does not inspire confidence.

Find your war, and pick your side as soon as you possibly can.

Then promise the guys and gals standing next to you that you're gonna be there fighting with them, come hell or high water.

Then back up those words with your feet and your heart, for as long as it takes.

This is REAL leadership.

Thankfully, I'm surrounded by people, every day, who help me to stay standing in the fight I said I would fight.

It's much easier to do, with the right people standing beside you, and if there's any credit sent my way, it probably should be for being able to recognize the ideals worth fighting for, so that the people I needed to support me would see the worthy battle, and decide to join the fight.

Sorry for the combative metaphors, but it felt like they were the most accurate in describing what I'm trying to get across.

Anyway, Friend, wherever you're at in life, I hope you can find soil that's worth planting your roots down deep in.

Because that's what it takes, to attract and influence the right people to make the most powerful decisions.

All the best,


PS - We have an event coming up in November where we'll be teaching some pretty cool stuff. It's a non profit event and 100% of the proceeds will be going to charity.

We just shot a video today, and put it up here on this page and if you decide to take a look, and like what you see, you're welcome to grab a ticket.  (you don't even have to be a member of our company to buy one, and there are a couple great lessons for freedom in the actual video)

PPS - If you're open to an exciting new income stream that can help you make even more of a positive difference in the world, and you resonate with my vibe and the vibe of our tribe, this is the page to visit and invest some time on.