Subject: How To Get More From Less - Top Leverage Points For Online Marketers

Hey Friend!

One of the big ideas I learned way back in the day, right after I'd just gotten started on the path to financial freedom, was that wealthy people think and act differently than others.

In the very first sales presentation, in the very first company I ever joined, there was a slide, that taught me one of the HUGE keys to think more like a wealthy person.

You may have already guessed (because yes, you're just that smart) that this concept is "Leverage."

In today's video, I want to do my best to define this word and give you a handful of areas that I have found to offer the highest degrees of business leverage over my last 14 years marketing online.

I'm also going to share one question you can ask yourself that can really help to guide your daily activities in a way that helps you, not only get more, but also to give more.

Keep on rockin in the free world!

Paul Hutchings

PS: I'm going to a Goo Goo dolls concert tonight with my family. WAHOOO! I used to listen to lots of their songs back in the day. Not sure why I told you that, but oh well. :-)

PPS: I also hosted our Grow Rich Mastermind today, so if you're feeling a little more in an audio mood today, you're welcome to catch the replay here or by dialing 712-432-0990 Access: 565762#. It's called The Song Of Freedom.