Subject: How To Deserve The Best Life Has To Offer

Hey Friend,

Hope your weekend was great!

So yesterday I did a thing. I made a purchase that I've been thinking about making for YEARS.

It's sort of a luxury purchase and fairly expensive.

In the process of making this purchase, one of my best friends, who also happens to be my business partner, made a comment that affected me in a deep and profound way.

It was the inspiration for today's Good Parts episode, which his called... "How To Deserve The Best That Life Has To Offer" and I hope it can provide some fuel, inspiration and insight for you and your path forward.

All the best,


PS -  I also create a new Lightworkers Bible short form video this morning called - The Light Of Love's Leadership.

This story, and passage affected me this morning and provided some needed guidance for healing one of the relationships in my life.

Freedom is not just about prosperity Friend, it's also about emotional release and lightness of spirit.

Sometimes, it seems, we accumulate spiritual baggage that is heavy, and not at all necessary or helpful for the journey we're on.

This ancient message speaks to that, and gives an example of living and leading in a higher way.

I hope it can be a ray of light for some, who experience some of the relationship challenges, common to us all on life's journey.