Subject: How To Deal With Dragons...

Hey Friend,

This month we got a surprise from one of our tenants.

The rent wasn't paid and, not only was there no phone call or text to let us know what was going on, this lady who'd been renting from us for 5 years, wouldn't even answer my calls or respond to my texts.

I went to the property and discovered it had been abandoned and left in quite a mess.

Here's a pic of some of the junk my son, Kayden, and I hauled off yesterday.


Anyway, this was an unusual stressor, that popped up, in the midst of a handful of other abnormal stressors in my recent journey, and I found myself shaking my head wondering why it is that sometimes, it seems,

...when it rains in pours. 

 In my recent studies I picked up a couple ideas that are helping me to deal with these challenges, and I passed them along, here in this new video, in the hopes they can help you deal with whatever dragons your facing in your life at the moment. (The lessons come at around the 2 minute mark, right after I show you the dragon I'm currently slaying)

All the best,


PS - There's an extended cut version of this video inside our Financial Literacy Academy Facebook group, so be sure to check that one out, if you’re a member.

If you’re not a member yet, and would like to learn more, just visit