Subject: How I Got The Keys To The Kingdom

Hey Friend,

A while back the gym I attend switched over from a keycode entry to a key fob entry.

It's cool, unless you're like me, and forget your keys all the time. I've even run out of the gym to get something from my car and did a big ol face palm, when I realized I'd locked myself out of the gym, yet again.

Anyway, this week my gym owner handed me the keys to the kingdom and I have a feeling, there were 2 simple things I've done, over time, that helped to influence her to trust me enough with those keys.

These are the same 2 things that go into having great success, working with people over time.

They've never failed me.

I share them in today's 1 minute video here.

And, if you're not completely sick and tired of hearing from me, I did host the Grow Rich Mastermind This morning..

It's called 'Unleashing The Art Of Your Heart' and has some GREAT nuggets on sales, inspiration for life and some keys for unleashing your inner genius.

You can listen to the replay here online, or you can dial into the replay by punching 712-432-0990 Access code: 565762# right into your phone.

Have a fantastic weekend Friend, and thank you so much for being subscribed to my email list.

All the best,


PS - Things are really cooking in The HBA.

In July, we as a community were able to help provide an additional 5,494 days of meals to FMSC, bringing our total up to 138,363 total days of meals so far. 

I couldn't be more thrilled about that! 

Also, our monthly recurring revenue, as a company, grew from $133,549 to $173,149, from the first of July to the end of the month.

That means that the amount of residual income we are helping to provide affiliates grew by 29.65% in a single month!

Is that 'like leaping tall buildings in a single bound' Friend

It sure feels like it, and maybe it's because at HBA, the community is the guru and the community is the hero... (SUPER - hero, that is)  ;-) 

Our Freedom Crusaders manifesto says 'Together, we can do more' and July proved that great truth, once again. 

Oh, and one other little exciting tidbit.

Also, I added a brand new training to our premium membership...

It's called 'The Email Promo Conversions Code' and it's a great intro on how to run effective, periodic email campaigns to your email list to gather up more sales. 

This training was created after a weekend promo I ran at the first of the year, where I set up a handful of automated auto responder emails to go out over the weekend. 

After the emails were finished up, 5 new customers had joined me as a result. 

You can watch that here, if you're a premium member, and if you're not yet a member of premium, and want to see it, you can just take the $1 trial on this page to get a full 7 days access to the crème de la crème of The Home Business Academy.   

The training, live coaching, community and residuals are truly #NextLevel in premium. 

Ok, that's it for now Friend.

Thanks for reading and whatever you do,

Always, go for your dreams!

FTC Disclaimer: “Average affiliates can expect to earn $347 with this business.” For full earnings disclosure visit To earn much higher income amounts, work, skill and commitment is required.  This business has paid over 2 million dollars in affiliate commissions so far... also, you should expect that if you buy a product from me, i will be paid...