Subject: How Cain Made Us Abel To See...

... a better way.

Hey Friend,

As the old story goes, It is written that Cain brought forth an offering, as we all do, each day of our existence. 

It is also written that his offering failed to find favor and acceptance with Providence.  

This can be likened to the universal experience of bringing forth fruit and failing to see any immediate, positive feedback or reward from reality for our efforts. 

What is the proper response to these common occurrences? 

The Biblical character Cain, gives us one option, to play on the stage of our minds. 

“He became wroth and his countenance fell.” 

An angry, downward gaze, for Cain, continued to compound into a jealous rage, which then expressed itself in an extreme violation of goodwill and then, his ultimate  banishment. 

This story seems to teach that a thankful, patient, positive heart, through all of life’s journey, can produce far better future outcomes, than descent into a resentful loss of hope ever will.   

This is the script from my YouTube short video for the day which you can see here if you want.  

In my experience Friend, the lesson from this story has everything to do with success in building a business from home.

It seems to me that our ability to maintain a happy, hopeful, positive outlook on life and business, through EVERY situation, directly plays into all of our future results.

The conversations we have that don't result in a sale...

The emails we write that don't generate a response...

The videos we create that don't generate any leads or commissions...

Bad response = bad seed for the future crop.

Good response = good seed for the future crop.

"In every apparent setback lies the seed of an equal or greater advantage."

Find these seeds Friend, gather them up, and keep sowing them for a better future.

And this is how Cain Made Us Abel To See A Better Way... (hopefully) :-)

All the best,


PS - I posted my latest, greatest and most favorite soul resonating morning affirmation on here on my Facebook profile this morning. If there are combinations of phrases you find meaningful or useful, feel free to swipe and deploy into your morning routine.

PPS - If you're open to taking a look at what I believe to be, the greatest freedom & contribution based business on the planet, this is a great video to check out.