Subject: [Home Biz] - The BEST Thing, Decision & Strategy For Success..

Hey Friend!


Didn't email you yesterday as I was traveling with the family.

We went on a little mini vacation to watch the fireworks together. (here's a little pic)...

One of the things I love the MOST about building a business from home is the freedom to take time off when I want.

That's not the thing I love the most though...

The thing I love the MOST is not only the biggest benefit/reason to build a business from home...

It's also, IMO, the reason to make one of the most powerful life decisions you could possibly make..

AND - it can also turn into the best strategy for inspiring others to get started with you in your various businesses and also buy your products & services.

And that Friend, is the topic of today's good parts episode.

If you decide to watch, you can learn about this, the most powerful, motivating and life changing of things...

and also...

Pick up one of the most inspiring quotes EVER that I got from a friend we call Sooper Dooper Stan. (this will be one you may want to write down and USE for sure Friend.

I also had a couple great questions pop up from the audience like...

  1. What's the best market to target?

  2. How do I have success without credibility

I answer those questions and more.

Anyway Friend, I believe this is worth watching.

To Freedom - and beyond,

Paul Hutchings

PS - Even though took the day off yesterday, I still found some time to do a good parts episode from my new mobile office. If you want you can catch that here, it's called The Hidden Residual Income Killer & What To Do About it...

PPS - This is my #1 recommendation for building a long term residual income that doesn't take long to build.