Subject: Holy Smokes, Someone Joined already...

Ok Friend, Last email for the night (Because my wife says I'm late for dinner), BUT - > I had to show you this...

I sent the first email out towards the first part of this webinar that I'm on and wouldn't you know it, someone looked at this, loved it, and made a powerful decision to get started immediately.

I knew this would work amazingly well, I just didn't realized it would work so fast.

Proof positive that this page is SMOKING HOT!

But the truth is Friend, it's not just the page...

The SOUL of what's behind the page and what you'll find inside our community is the magic that somehow, someway, Nick was able to bring it out into the message...

And it's just the beginning...

Have a great night and try to sleep, if you can.


PS - I'm ready to do something bigger, better, more meaningful, more impactful and more inspired, than anything I've ever done before...

If what you see on this page resonates with you, I'd love to invite you along for the journey to help us with this epic quest to inspire so much more freedom, goodness, and contribution in the world.

I truly believe the world needs what we have, and what we have together, is so much more powerful than what any one of us has alone.