Subject: Holy Freedom SHMOLY! 71, 109, 1300 & [24 hrs. left]..

Holy SMOKES Friend!

We are on FIRE! Check out this text I got from my business partner earlier today...

I got curious and ran a report to see how many new members have made the decision to get started and join our Freedom Crusade in the last 19 days...

I think it's safe to say that we've found a WINNING combination here with our new Emerson Magic Content Machine + Our Magnetic Vision & Community + 80% Residual commisssions.  

Anyway Friend, Just wanted to send this out to let you know that what we've built is on FIRE and it's going to keep burning FAR off into the future. This isn't like other flash in the pan things you may have been excited about before.

We are in this for the long haul, and NOW is the time to take action and get started if what we're building resonates with you because the clock strikes zero tomorrow night and this 'never before done' promotion will be over.

My business partner Mike and I are hosting a live, new member orientation to help you get up and running and off to a fast start this Saturday morning and you'll have a special invitation from me if you decide to make, would could be, the easiest and most powerful decision of your life. 

That's all for now.

Your partner in success, freedom, principle centered living and rock solid, unmovable, unshakable, commitment to be the change we wish to see in the world.


PS - I'm including live presenation I did earlier this week that illustrates, some of the ways, our AI content machine can work wonders for your business and your life, if you decide to get started... feel free to check it out, if you wish.


Hey Friend,

I've been learning a TON about how AI can benefit all of our lives and businesses, right now.

Drumroll please...

Today's Mind-Blowingly Awesome Video (yes of course I'm biased, but I still do REALLY believe this stuff is mind-blowingly awesome)

PS - In today's video I share a brand new poem AI helped me write to strengthen my family, increase peace in our home and help my kids learn and live strong values in life.