Subject: Great Advice For Getting Up When You’re Feeling Down

Hey Friend!

I got a phone call from one of my best friends yesterday and we somehow got on the topic of what to do when life and/or business starts to get you down.

It happens to all of us and there is no shame in admitting that this happens.

The big thing though is, what do you do about it when it happens?

For some reason, I remembered a piece of advice that I got from a leader, while I was on a 2 year missionary trip to Taiwan.

This one simple sentence, was some of the BEST advice I ever heard on how to get your mind, heart and soul back on track to a high vibration space.

It's helped me numerous times over the years and so, in today's Good Parts, I'd love to share this advice with you in the hopes it can help you when you need it...

Or, maybe it can help someone else you're serving, when they need it.

Here's the video...

Thanks for reading and whatever you do, always go for your dreams!

To Freedom - and beyond,

Paul Hutchings

PS: Believe it or not, being able to stay in a high energy state, is one of the BEST things you could ever do for business.

People want to be around those who are positive, passionate, filled with faith and hopeful for the future.

"Like attracts like" and I don't know of anyone who doesn't want to be more happy and excited for life.

For this reason, how you show up in your emails, videos, audios and relationships, matters - a LOT.

This may be the biggest traffic attraction secret you never heard in any training you ever went through on traffic and lead generation...

This is why much of the content I send out - which some may not understand as "valuable" - has been and still is so fundamental to my being able to shine into the lives of others, while attracting those who want to do the same thing and build an income at the same time.

In fact, I recently got a message from someone in our community who had watched this video and learned about our business.

His email was all about the profound inner transformation he'd had from being in our community.

He told me he was in a very dark place before he joined and now, he's turned it all around and is feeling happy and excited about life and the future.

Wallace Wattles said that doing things in a 'certain way' is a key to wealth, and sometimes people are confused about this 'certain way.'

In my understanding - it's in part about what you do, but also just as much about HOW you do what you do, meaning how YOU show up inside the equation for yourself and others.

Anyway, there's a little random wednesday morning ramble for you. :-)

If you're open to more happiness, joy, abundance, contribution and FREEEEEEEEEEEEEEDOM in your life Friend, I really believe what we've created here can be a true gift for you.

And if you'd rather hear me explain it live - versus in a pre-recorded sales video - you can watch this brand new presentation I gave last Saturday called The Doorway To Freedom.

If you decide to watch, like what you see and have questions, please feel free to email me back.

Many people just watch and immediately get started which is fine too. :-) That's one of the things I LOVE about this new video, it does such a great job of helping people see so much value, that they often immediately get started with us.

In fact, it's only 9:40 AM my time, and 5 people have already gotten started today.

Honestly, it's SOOOO exciting to know that people are joining before I even start my work day.

I'm so thankful for technology, the internet and leverage which makes it possible to grow a business like this.