Subject: [GP7] The One Thing Everyone Is An Expert In (even YOU)

Greetings Earthling.

Ha ha.. Just kidding hi 👋Friend.

Hope you're doing well on this fantastic freedom Friday.

I'm headed to watch my sons play some baseball today and before I leave, I wanted to send you Episode 7, of The Good Parts. (pretty soon it will be episode 1,077 - you think? Will I make it?🤔)

Time will tell.

Anyway, in today's episode I share a super dooper awesome phrase from my friend Mamma Elizabeth that just might make you laugh AND provide a good guide for speaking in a way that really connects and delivers value to people in the content you create.

That's just the appetizer though Friend, the main course is in the Title of today's episode and you can see it in this fancy shmancey thumbnail I created for it...

Yes, I decided to stop being lazy and just downloading a done for you image from Canva, and today invested 5 extra minutes adding my picture to the thumbnail.

What do you think?

Anyway, here's the link to today's "Show", if you dare watch and discover the 1 thing, I guarantee YOU are an expert in, and that you can use to shine light into the world as you serve people, lift people AND - yes, attract more of the perfect customers and business partners at the same time (if, and ONLY if, that's something you desire too).

Have a great weekend!


PS - I would tell my kids “If you have to choose between ‘meaningful’ and ‘profitible’, choose meaningful. But if you can (and odds are high you can), find a way to do both.”

PPS - This is a way I've found to do both. Maybe it can be that for you too.