Subject: Funniest Response From A Prospect Today (+ Secret Update)

Hey Friend,

In a bit of a rush with a packed schedule today but wanted to send you a couple things.

First, I saw a comment from someone who was looking at one of our product offers that made me laugh.

I wanted to share it with you in today's good parts, not only because maybe it will make you laugh too, but also because it's a great example of the type of response I think we're looking for when we offer things for people to buy.

In marketing the phrase is "Irresistible Offer."

If you watch this short video, you can see an example of how we put together an offer that is so irresistible, it almost seems too good to be true, as evidenced by what this person wrote.

Isn't that thumbnail awesome!

Shout out to all the people who took action and got started yesterday to pick up my Mr. Beast Thumbnail Super prompt. I know at least 2 people filled out this form and got started. (See my email from yesterday for deets)

Last thing is a quick update.

For the last week I've been telling you about a secret little project we've been working on that I'm pretty excited about.

Well last night, we pre-released it to our premium members and the response was OFF THE CHARTS!.

We actually had over a 50% conversion rate, live on the webinar.

I've never seen that before in the marketing world.

Over 50 people filled out the form and got started on this new project, live, on the webinar.

Many people are SUPER excited about this.

Here are some more details.

It's super low cost (only $10 a month)

Pays our normal 80% residual (so you can earn $8 a month for every referral)

The product is high value, transformational and mass marketable.

VERY, VERY, VERY useful - on a daily basis.

Anyway, if you want to see this before our public release, and get access to the special offer with bonus we gave to our premium members last night...

The loophole is, join me here for just $25, check the 2 week free trial box for premium, and then watch this replay from last night.

If you don't do that, it's ok. I'll get it out to you soon. I want to give enough time to our premium members to get this out before I start going nutz with it.

Ok that's all for now.

Hope you have an amazing day and whatever you do, always go for your dreams!
