Subject: Freedom Fest Final Report (It's AMAZING)

Hey Friend,

This is a bromantic video my business partner and I made to report back to our community on our event results. ha ha.. I say 'bromantic' because Rita Joye Gray said Mike and I have the best bromance she's ever seen. ... what a great compliment!

On a more serious note...

I am so happy and thankful to be in the position I'm in... surrounded by the most inspiring, heart-centered, driven people in the world... who are focused on reaching as high as they can and doing as much good as they can...

This community is constantly lifting me, inspiring me and challenging me to reach higher...

I'm so proud of everyone...

As Mike and I were watching the replay on the way home... we kept having to pause the video to comment on the strength and power of each person who spoke, beginning with the intentions mastermind where people volunteered to come up to stage from the audience and share their hearts with the group.

Even the applause frome the audience was remarkable.

I said to Mike... "The audience is doing such a great job! The clapping and cheers were filled with love, excitement, encouragement and positive energy."

I was so touched by so many people this week. It'll take me the whole next year to comment on the beauty I saw in each person, and relate the magical, syncronystic experiences we had.

Truly excited to bring some of awesome amazingness to you, from this event, in the coming weeks Friend.

Debra Johnson said she'd been looking for an entreprerial community that was in alignment with her values for 15 years and that we were "Heaven Sent." (this is just one of the many examples that moved me from the intentions mastermind)

Josh Schonert did such a masterful job as our opening speaker you'd have thought he'd already had an entire lifetime of professional speaking already. His message was so perfect and helpful for people... it was filled with sincerity, wisdom and love.

He handled our audio problems with complete grace and comfort... He called out names of people from our community who were sitting in the audience... So, good.

Mama Elizabeth Rice spoke on spiritual wealth and her elequent and wise words seemed to be delivered by the hands of angels from on high. Her words seemed to be swimming in divinity and we all felt the palpable presense of something special from the great beyond.

Mike and I pulled onto his road, just as she was finishing her talk with a prayer... and the clock on the car radio shined 11:11 PM.

If you watch this video... I hope you'll be inspired to know that there are GREAT people in the world, doing GREAT things, being the change that we all wish to see.

I hope this will fill your heart with hope and faith that things can always get better and that no matter what you see on the news...

A small group of thoughful, committed citizens are working daily to change the world for the better... and seeing REAL progress.

Thank you, thank you, thank you!

With love,


PS - I made a commitment to my friend Gregory at this event to do 30 days straight of video. I'm excited to deliver some GREAT value to you over the next month. If there's anything specific you want me to talk about, or any questions you'd like to ask me... please send them my way.

PPS - If you haven't yet taken a peek at this miracle business model we're building, and want to - please use this link and watch the video from my friend Nick.