Happy Saturday Friend,
Before I head out and watch my kid's play another full day of baseball, I wanted to send you an idea that can truly help you reach more people with your message, and reach thousands of people to advertise your business or products to, for free.
I was just looking at my social media stats and realized that 3 of my videos from last week have reached over 8,000 people. And yes, these views are turning into leads and sales for my business. (this was the big question I had with these short videos - do they actually turn into leads and sales? - YES they do!)
So here's the strategy. One, simple, short video (1 minute or less per day) uploaded to all the major platforms. (Instagram & Facebook reels, YouTube Shorts & Tik Tok)
Put your website domain right on the video so it's visible mostly all the way through the video.
I've been creating one video and doing all the editing on my phone, so that when I upload to the platforms, the video is pretty much ready to go.
When you upload, just add some natural hashtags in your description of words that relate to what your video is about, and also would be words that others out there in the world would be interested in.
Here are some pics of the power of this little strategy. The highlighted videos got the most views.
First, Instagram. |