Subject: Feeling lost, confused or having feelings of failure? This video may be for you....

Hey Friend,

Yesterday, I felt inspired to go live and share something that was on my heart.

It got a bit emotional, and I've been sort of surprised to see the response from people.

I just read a comment from a guy on the YouTube version who said he has similar feelings quite often, and doesn't feel like he can discuss it with anyone.

My heart truly went out to this person and what I wrote back, feels like it might carry some truth...

"Wow thank you so much for opening up and sharing such a vulnerable part of yourself with me.

My emotional side is pretty big too, so I can resonate with that completely.

If you think about it, it's really a huge benefit to feel in such a deep way, and to be willing to let that out in your message.

Case in point... This video has recieved WAY more engagement that almost all of my other videos.

If you look on facebook, the same is true.

Why is this?

I think there might be a couple reasons.

A) The honest and authentic feeling in the video

B) The fact that so many people have these same thoughts and feelings.

Just like Lex wrote in that tweet. "You are not alone."

Most of us, especialy with social media, try to build the picture we want people to see, and therefore - this part of us is often so hidden from the world.

This probably feeds into making people feel like there's something wrong with them when they feel this way, when it's probably more true to say,

"uh, no, actually - we all feel this way at least from time to time."

And when we have the courage or inspiration to open up to the truth, so many people resonate with it because they're like "Hey, me too."

So I guess I would say to you,

"My friend, you are not alone - and furthermore, you're not a failure...

I read a book one time by a guy named Zachary Levi - He was the actor who played in the series "Chuck".

The book was called "Radical love" and one question he asked was "What if the mere fact that I exist, means I'm loved and I'm accepted, and I'm supposed to be here?"

He talked about how society puts so many qualifications on what it means to be "Loved and valuable."

Do you have a purpose?

Are you adding value to people?

Are you working hard on your goals and dreams? etc.

He challenged all of that and, said - "No, maybe just the simple fact that we exist is enough, to feel love and self worth"

Anyway, I thought that was good to think about.

Take heart and keep moving forward my friend.

I believe you'll continue to find your way.

Thanks again for the great comment and for sharing your heart with me."


PS - Here's the link to the YouTube version and here's the link to the Facebook one, in case you want to watch the actual video (and have a good cry with me). :-)

PPS - I just submitted the last of the docs to my accountant for my tax prep this year, and let me just say, I was surprised at how much I earned as an affiliate for this last year. Seriously, one of my best years ever. WAHOOO!  

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