Subject: Discovering Nature's Sage

Happy Day Friend!

This morning I woke up with a curious question on my mind.

"What is wisdom?"

"Can I define it?"

I struggled with it for a while and found any definition with words, remaining somewhat elusive to me.

I went on with my day and over the next couple hours a curious (maybe mysterious) set of answers floated into my conciousness answering (I think) the exact question I had on my mind.

In today's Good Parts Episode, I want to share these mystic answers, in the hopes that they can shine some light into your mind too - helping us both learn to navigate life and business in the BEST of ways, as we continue moving forward creating the lives we desire and fulfilling our unique and individual missions and purposes in life.

Wishing you the very best today.


PS - 'Better to be loved by one person who knows your soul, than by millions who don't even know your phone number." -Shared by Lori Sue Netherday on today's Grow Rich Mastermind

PPS: Check out this cool thumbnail I made for today's episode. What do you think? Do you like it? A little different from most of the promo images you see in the home business space right? ;-)

That right there, is a great marketing tip btw, be different, in unique and beneficial ways. This can go a long way in helping you to stand out from the crowd so the whisper of your message can be heard through the noise.

You can also click the image above if you want to see today's episode