Subject: Discernment VS Condemnation

Hey Friend,

Hope your day is amazing so far. Thanks so much for opening up my email, I appreciate it and you!

I just wanted to pass along a quick word today, along with a marketing tip.

It seems to me that one of the good ways to be able to attract more people to you and your business, is to learn the difference between noticing things about others, that you may not love, and condemning them for it.

I call this discernment versus condemnation.

One reason this is important is because if people feel 'condemned, judged, or looked down' upon by you, they won't want to be around you.

It's super hard to offer products & services to people who don't want to be around you right?

Here's my take...

Discernment, for me, is about seeing who is good for our lives and who is not.

It’s also about noticing things in others that we may want to build, or eliminate from our own personal characters.

We can notice these things about people, without condemning them.

We can notice these things, and still love them.

And that's the big point.

Love them.

This work can work real magic for your business, I know it has for mine.

Ok, so the quick marketing tip.

The lines from above in italics, are from a recent blog post I wrote which you can read here if you want.

One of the things I've noticed is that longer form content seems to do a better job of building deeper relationships with people.

I've also noticed that longer form content, on social media, doesn't seem to do so well.

So here's a strategy to consider.

Create and publish one quality piece of long form content, blog post, podcast, training video, etc... Maybe this could be done once week.


Chop that content up into little pieces and put those 'free samples' out onto social media with a call to action leading back to your longer form piece.

This can accomplish some great benefits, all at the same time.

  • Save you time because you don't have to create so much long form content.

  • Get more free traffic by serving more people on social media, in the way they want to be served (in fast food style snippets).

  • Get more high quality eyeballs to the piece of content you poured your soul into, by promoting it all week long, versus a publish, post, share, be done and onto the next killer content piece like so many people do.

  • Keep you Top Of Mind, on social media, by posting consistently throughout the week.

So far, I'm finding the fastest way to chop your content up, is to take a few of the written lines, and put them into a type text video, with some music.

This is pretty much copy, paste, post.

You can see an example of one I just did today here.

That video, shared on Facebook is already getting some great traction and even has a share already which is more free traffic! WAHOOOO!

Anyway, hope this helps.

We have some great training on this, inside our premium training vault here, along with 6 marketing & coaching masterminds each week, and I'm learning a TON from seeing & hearing what other people are doing.

You can check it our here for a $1 if you're up for a new and exciting journey that has the potential to create some breakthroughs in your business.

Thanks for reading Friend,

I believe in your greatness!

Paul Hutchings

PS: If you're thinking about getting started with our marketing community, the best way to do it, in my opinion, is not via the $1 trial link above.

Rather it's here on this all in one presentation page, where you can get our funnel builder, funnel builders academy, a bunch of super sweet bonuses AND a 14 day FREE trial to our premium vault, all for $25 bucks.

Plus, it pays 80% commissions so if you love what you find, like Andrew here...

You can refer a couple other freedom crusading peeps like yourself, and be in positive cash flow with us.

Here's the direct sign up link in case you're one of those... 'Hey Paul, I trust you, what's the fastest way to get started?' people.

Regardless Friend, let's both get out there and ROCK IT today!