Subject: Can you REALLY make money without working?

Hey Friend,

I just made a quick video to answer the following question.

Is it possible to make money without working?

And even though I did answer the question (here in this video) in a way that might be surprising (and useful) to some,

...after thinking about it,

I've decided that for a lot of people, it's probably the wrong question to ask.

See, the likely reason people are asking this question is because they hate their jobs or at least, have things they would MUCH prefer doing than what they're doing for work.

So, they want to get paid without working - because work is no longer bringing them sense of fun, joy or fulfillment.

I'm no guru, but my sense is that work is... (spoiler alert)

...a big part of living.

If we don't work (make things, minds and the world around us better) then all we're left with is Netflix and lounging around for 10 hours a day.

Is that really what we're supposed to do with our lives?

Every once in a while, sure - but all day, every day?

It doesn't seem that way to me.

'If we don't try, then we don't do, and if we don't do, then why are we here?'  

Here may be some better questions people could ask that could help lead them to the outcomes they want.

  • Is it possible to do what I LOVE doing, and get paid to do it?

  • Is it possible to get paid while doing what I love, and helping others at the same time?

  • Is it possible to get paid in a way where I feel like I'm living my true purpose in life?

  • Is it possible to get paid in a way, where the world is better, I only work when I want to - AND - my income increases over time - whether or not I put in any more work?

Anyway Friend, you get the point.

I remember hearing Anthony Robbins say one time that the quality of our lives is dependent on the quality of questions we ask.

I think there is so much truth to this.

Thanks for reading and whatever you do, always go for your dreams!


PS - I'm so happy and thankful I've discovered a way to grow a residual income for myself and my family that checks all the boxes on my important question list. If you're still on the hunt Friend, maybe this could be a fit for you too.