Subject: Beware The Serial Residual Income Killer...

Hey Friend,

This last Saturday on our new member welcome orientation, my business partner Mike mentioned the company where we met, and talked about one of the leaders who, in his opinion, fractured the company by starting a new one based on greed.

I got curious about where this leader was today and went down a rabbit hole trying to figure out what he was up to.

First, I'll say, from Google searching his name it was almost impossible to find out what he was doing today because there was a scattered and broken trail of companies and brands that have started and failed since we knew him over a decade ago.

In the last 13 years, this person from what I could see online, has left a trail of six—count them, SIX—different brands/companies/comp plans.

Within this trail of scattered and broken companies, I guarantee you Friend, there's a mixed trail of tears and broken dreams.

If your goal is to build a residual income, this is not what you wanna see when you research the people you're gonna be going into business with.

The term “serial entrepreneur” is not the flex people think it is when it comes to building a business from home.

You don't want to join someone who’s going to be here today and starting another company tomorrow, if you care about residual income.

A leader's rags to riches story is worthless if all they do is use that story to pillage through groups of people, promising riches while leaving people in rags by starting and folding company after company after company.

Next time you hear some MLM or affiliate marketing company founder bragging about being a "Serial Entrepreneur" you might want to concider that in most cases this actually translates to serial residual income killer.

Since I realized eight years ago that companies being here today and gone tomorrow was a surefire plan for failing to grow a residual income…

I've been in and promoted just one company.

The company we created to solve the problem, for ourselves 8 years ago, and we’re still going strong.

If you’re serious about building a residual income from home, and haven’t already found a company and leaders you can grow with long term…

And haven’t already made a decision to plant your flag so you can build something to last…

I’d love to invite you to do so now Friend. As simple as this is, it's very rare and in my opinion one of the great keys to building a true residual income.

Thanks for reading and whatever you do, always go for your dreams!

Have an awesome weekend.


PS: The company we started to fix this HUGE problem we kept running into has now paid out over 5.2 million dollars in commissions.    

Since we pay a whopping 80% commssion rate, these numbers accumulate pretty fast and we find that we are constantly having to update the payout number.

Good problem to have right Friend?

I guess you could say it's a problem we created for ourselve since one of our big goals was to help people build freedom faster.

This is why we decided to payout 80% commissions. In our company it's possible to build a $3,000 residual income with just 25 customers. (Man that sounds so too good to be true I almost don't even believe it myself as I write these lines, but the good news is, IT IS TRUE!) 

If you're sick of companies and leaders abandoning you...

If you're sick of trying to eek out a living with itsy bitsy teenie, tiny commissions....

If you're sick of promoting things you're ashamed of and embarassed to tell people about at family reunions...

This may be a literal dream come true.

The information I share in this presentation is so important, with the potential to change so many lives, I woke up early on a Saturday morning to present this to a select group of private attendees a few weeks ago.

This information is NOT meant for the masses and can't be shared with just anyone for a variety of reasons.

I'm guessing you're not just anyone though Friend, right?

You are subscribed to my email list and to me that means you are different in the best way possible.

This presentation is for you and it expires this week. In fact you have just a few days left to watch it, otherwise it will be taken down and gone.

So Friend, if you're serious about building freedom for yourself, your future and those you love as fast as possible... and don't have time for lies, hype or manipulation...

Please carve out some time ASAP and watch this online wealth seminar as soon as you possibly can.

After you finish, feel free to email me back with any questions you might have.

Thanks for reading and hope you have an awesome and amazing day!