Subject: Best Video Editor In The World + [hidden traffic strategy]

Hey Friend!

If you're marketing online, a video editor is one of the most essential tools you'll need.

When I first started, I used a free one I downloaded from somewhere (i can't even remember what it was called).

Then I moved on to Camtasia and I remember being blown away at how I could add text on the video and music tracks.

I've used a few others over the years but I'm here to tell you that none of them compare to my all time favorite (by far) video editor called Descript.

They are CONSTANTLY updating this product and to me, it feels like a Godsend.

It will auto transcribe your vids which allows you to put captions on very easily, and you can also edit your video by deleting parts of the transcript which will then delete the corresonding part of the video.

You can auto download timestamps and captions which makes uploading to YouTube a lot easier.

Anyway, they recently added a whole bunch of caption options, and the ability to add stock music, video and gifs to your videos from the editor so you don't have to search high and low for supporting content & illustrations for your video.

PRO Tip: Changing the visuals on your videos every 30 seconds or so can help with retention. One way to do this is to change the angle of the camera and another way to do this is to add B roll every so often. B roll is stock video you can put as little clips within your video to help illustrate your points and also break state and keep the viewers attention.

Anyway, I could ramble on and on but I'd rather just show you an example of a video I created this morning useing these new features.

You can check it out here.

See if you can find the music track, the captions, & the b roll clips (7 of them). Notice how the B roll clips break up the video AND help support the actual message of the clip. You can also check out the timestams in the video description which were auto generated by Descript.

Ok that brings me to the 'Hidden traffic strategy'.

If you watch that video above, you might notice that it's not home business related.

If you watch all the way to the end, you'll see an example of how I transition into home business, from a completely unrelated topic.

Why does this matter?

Product review videos are HUGE. There's an unlimited amount of traffic online for existing products and new products that are popping up every day.

The way these product review people make money is by getting paid ad money from YouTube and/or collecting tiny affiliate commissions from the products they're reviewing (we're talking VERY low commissions).

Some product reviewers end up creating their own products as a another way to monetize.

As far as I can tell, NONE of these product reviewers are inviting their viewers to learn about residual income via some type of home based business.

I think this is a HUGE missed opportunity.

Now, don't get me wrong Friend, I'm not planning on becoming a product review expert.

Rather, I AM going to review products I buy in the course of my normal life so I can serve the market and reach out and be a bridge to people outside of the home business space.

This will allow me to keep my sanity (remember the novelty email I wrote you about yesterday) and even catch some traffic from little known honeypot keywords that none of the other online marketers are even paying attention to.

Maybe this strategy can work for you to.

If it interests you at all, I'd love to encourage you to watch this video and notice at the end of the video, how easy it is to transition from a video on just about anything to your business opportunity.

Hope this email has given you some food for thought today Friend.

As always, thanks for reading and whatever you do, ALWAYS go for your dreams!


PS:  If you want to learn this online marketing stuff and grow an extra income, it's better not to have to do it alone, wouldn't you agree?

Each day, M - S we are live as a community, marketing, learning and coaching each other as we build our businesses online.

I mean heck, the 80% commissions are great because they make it so you can build an income much faster...

That being said, the friendship and learning I get from our community each day is truly priceless.

If you decide to join us, you can rest assured you won't be left behind, as long as you're willing to take action, show up and ask questions when you have them.

You can learn all about our business model here and even get started here for just $25 bucks if you're read to take the leap. I'll be there to help you on the other side.