Subject: A Simple Secret To Powerful Influence

Hey Friend!

Hope your day is awesome and amazing!

When I first got started in sales way back in the day, I was newly married and excited to create a better life for my family.

I had joined my first home business and was so excited to make it big.

One of my early mentors told me...

"Paul, this is a simple business. It's not an easy business, but it is a simple business."

I did not understand what that meant when I first heard it, but over the last 20 years, I've been discovering the powerful truth in that simple phrase.

Building a successful business has a lot to do with being able to influence people to do things that help you.

There are all kinds of sales 'experts' who will tell you there are super secret, high level, ninja ways to influence people.

Would you believe me Friend, if I told you that the BEST ways to influence others are the simplest?

I believe this is true.

In today's video, I want to share with you one of the easiest, and most simple ways to influence others to do things that can help you get what you want from life.

Hope this video adds a little value to your life and business today Friend.

All the best,


PS: I was talking to an old friend today who watched our live overview from Saturday.

My friend and his wife are VERY successful in network marketing and he told me that he has TONS of friends and people he talks to that aren't a fit for his network marketing business.

He said that he'd love to have something he could trust, to share with that group of people so he could still serve them and be able to grow an additional income stream from that group of people.

He thought what we have is a perfect fit for that.

This is such a powerful concept and i wrote about it in my Online Recruiting Secrets ebook. (you can get that for free under video 7 here)

The basic idea is that if you can have more than one thing to serve people, you can build an income even from the people who say "no" to your primary business.

This is super smart and effective when done in the right way.

It also helps to position you more as a consultant than a sales person which helped me a lot, on my road to freedom.

Anyway, my friend Kevin ended up getting active on both of our subscription products today. WAHOOO!

Now Kevin is positioned to earn $120 residual commissions for each and every customer who says 'no' to his primary business but says yes to what we have to help them grow their marketing knowledge.

Anyway, just wanted to share that as food for thought, in case you're not yet using these strategies in your marketing.

Ok, that's all for now Friend.

To freedom and beyond!