Subject: A Note From The Universe...

Happy Freedom Friday Friend,

Last week I got a note, out of the blue, from one of my awesome and amazing email subscribers, that to me - was like a wink from the universe.

Do you believe in Universe winks Friend?

You know, those little moments that happen from time to time, when divinity seems to smile at you and say, like Angela Amazing Johnson said on our morning call today,

"You are known."

Paulo Coelho calles these 'omens' in his book The Alchemist, and illustrates that there can be little signs in life, that let us know we're on the right track, and inspire us to keep moving forward.

Even Einstein, arguably one of the most (if not the most) brilliant scientists the world has ever seen said...

"Coincidence is God's way of remaining anonymous."

I like to believe these things. They resonate with my heart and my mind and I'm open to noticing these little signposts on my journey.

That's what this note, I got last week from an amazing soul, was to me.

But of course, this isn't all about me right?

I think there's a lesson here, for you too Friend, and if you decide to watch today's Good Parts episode #31, it may just be something that can help you to know where to look to find all the answers you need for the journey forward.

Thanks for reading and I wish for you, all the good life has to offer.

With grattitude,

Paul Hutchings

PS - I also had the honor and privelege of hosting today's Grow Rich Mastermind.

It's called...

The Simple And Often Misunderstood, Unlimited Power

Here are a couple free samples from today's session...

"If I was doing any better, they'd send me in for a drug test." -Tim Kerley

"It's not what you look at that matters, it's what you see."

-Lori Sue Netherda

You can listen to the whole thing by dialing 712-432-0990 Access: 565762# or you can listen online here.

PPS - If you're in the market for more,

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You may find great value in this business model we have been creating and pioneering for the last 6 years.

We've built an incredible foundation and are gearing up for the next phase of the journey.

Would love to have you along the ride, to help us lead and be the change the world yearns to see. < - the magic link