Subject: A Great Way To Get Leads Online

Hey Friend,

This month, my business partner and I are going live daily inside our community, to show people how to get leads with YouTube.

A couple comments came up during this process that made me think there might be a few others out there who don't fully understand the process.

I made this video, reviewing a network marketing company compensation plan.

I had 4 different people ask me...

Paul, are you building this company?

Paul, why aren't you marketing your primary business?

Paul, did someone pay you to do this video?

My answer, of course, is - > no, I didn't join, no no one paid me, and even thought it might not look like it, I AM, marketing my primary business.

One of the key ways traffic & leads are generated on the internet, is from people looking for information on something that might be related to what you're selling.

If you give the people what they're looking for (serve them), THEN you have a chance to offer them something that can transition them to what YOU are doing.

If you watch the video all the way through to the end, you'll see how it's done. (Comments & love always appreciated) ;-)

Hope this helps Friend.

All the best,


PS - If this is something you'd like to learn how to do, now is the perfect time. Our daily live mastermind coaching is happening every single week-day all through October and is available as a free bonus to our premium members here in our Academy.

All the recordings are in the membership and we started just 3 days ago from ground zero. You can get access to it all for 7 days for a dollar. At the link above.

Keep dreaming, keep working and keep marching toward your better future Friend. Better things are waiting...



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