Subject: 87K + per month in residuals (and growing)

Morning Friend,

In my email yesterday, I showed you that we've done over 2 million in sales so for with the freedom machine we created, but check this out...

2 things to notice here.

A. The trend.

B.  88K per month is over a million dollars in RESIDUALS a year.

That means that even though we've done just over 2 million in TOTAL sales, we're on pace to increase that with 50% yearly growth just with the RESIDUAL portion of our compensation.

That fact, combined with the fact that YOU have have the chance to capture 80% of our residual revenue in commission paid out to you and your family is something to get excited about.

I believe there are only 2 things required for success here,

A willingness to learn and a willingness to work.   

If you have those 2 things + a burning desire for freedom achieved in a way that makes you, the people around you and the world better, all at the same time, you may be one of the 5 people I'm looking for this weekend.

Watch this video and read this whole page all the way through.   (and if you're serious play every single video on this page)

And keep your eyes peeled for the rest of my emails this weekend.

You may even want to check your spam box and promotions folder and mark my emails as important, drag them to your primary, add me to your white list or whatever you need to do to make sure you see everything I'll be sending.

Talk soon,
