Subject: 5 capture page & lead gen conversion secrets...

Happy Monday Friend,

Whatchya been up to?

This summer we've been doing lots of traveling. We just finished up another family campging trip last week.

We saw lots of deer, my oldest son Kayden saw a bear, and we even saw a wolf!  (i know scary right? We were a ways a way and on a 4 wheeler so we felt pretty safe)

Anyway, this email isn't supposed to be about me. I do like sharing a bit of my life with you from time to time so that hopefully, you'll see that I'm just a regular guy.

A regular guy who had a dream to be free, stuck with it and made it happen.

The thing I'm most grateful for, at this time in my life, is the time I get to spend with my wife and kids instead of working.

It's why I got started in the home biz profession in the first place and I'm truly so filled with gratitude that it's worked out so I CAN not spend all my days working and instead can build relationships and hopefully make a positive impact on my family.

Anywho, I always hope to be a bit of an example to you that it is possible to build a life of freedom so you can live life on your terms.

I also hope to be able to teach you some things, from time to time that can be useful to you on that journey.

And that brings me to the point of this email.

One of the things I notice people sometimes struggle with is building effective capture pages so they can collect leads and effectively market online.

Last week, one of our friends & fellow freedom crusaders, T.J., (a mom & school teacher) came out on one of our masterminds and asked us to look at her capture page & give her some tips for improving it.

I am so proud of what she created because it was a GREAT start and had some awesome copy on it that she'd written herself. She has come such a long way since she joined us and I can tell she's learned a lot as she's paid attention to the training.

As good of a start as her page was, there were definitely some ideas we had for improving the page in some pretty important ways so it will convert for her at a much higher rate.

I don't do this very often, but today I figured it might be nice to show you some of the coaching we gave her as we reviewed her page.

Typically this is only ever seen by our paid members.

In this video we literally show her capture page transform and if you pay attention to the end, you'll see how much of an improvement was made in the 30 minute session we had with her.

You can watch the free video & pick up the digital gold here.  

If you watch you'll discover...

  • The best format for a high converting capture page (with examples)

  • Some ninja sales copy tips you can use to make a high converting page

  • A few common capture page mistakes that many marketers make & how to fix them

  • A language error that kills conversions but is SOOOPER easy to fix.

If any of those sound like things you'd like to learn, I'd love to invite you to click here and watch the video right now. (It's roughly a 10 minute investment of time that can give you a nice ROI to delight your bank account)

I guess that's all for now.

Thanks for reading and whatever you to, always go for your dreams!
