Subject: 5 Keys 🔑 To A POWERFUL Mind....

Morning Friend,

Since nearly every successful person I've ever learned from has said that their philosophy was the most important factor in their success... I figured I'd pass along these 5 tips that have been super helpful to me over the years.

Top 5 Keys For Developing A Mind That Serves You, Others, Your Money And Your Freedom In The Most Powerful Way

First, â€œTake what you like and leave the rest.” -R Dean Yancey

It’s a good thing to learn from and see the affects of other peoples beliefs, but always remember those beliefs are no where near as powerful as they could be, until we do the work to find the ones that are worth planting in our own souls, (or perhaps nurturing more of those seeds that are already there).

Second, “Your philosophy is the major determining factor in how your life works out.” -Jim Rohn.

The Keyword I wish to highlight in this phrase today is “YOUR”.👈

YOU are the one with the power to accept and implement or reject and brush off anything you hear from any person, book or organization.

Claim your power here. Own your own mind and enjoy the fruits of developing yourself. Follow your heart, it won’t lead you astray as long as you’re continually feeding it with good food and asking yourself the best questions.

Third, Look for principles. Success leaves clues. Read enough books, meet enough people and participate in enough groups and patterns will begin to emerge.

These patterns can be pointers to principles.

Principles, IMO are some of the best beliefs to have because they’ve been proven to work over various times and spaces and by a wide variety of people.

Fourth, Keep your mind and heart pointed upward as you search and grow. No one of us is an island . Where God guides, He provides but we must do the work and accept the responsibility to USE the gifts we were already given from on high.

If you ever have a prayer that you feel, is answered with silence, maybe it is that God is saying…

“Use what I already gave you.”

“Trust yourself because my voice is with you wherever you are.”

“Do all you can before asking for help.”

Fifth, Beware of dogma.

Dogma is anyone telling you that you must believe something because they said it and are an authority. Furthermore dogma implies or explicitly states that you do not have the right to question the belief or practice.

IMO, God gave me a heart and a brain because I’m supposed to use both.

Telling me I must do something or believe something without question, affronts the greatest gifts I feel we were all given by our creator.

Truth is not scared of questions, thought or investigation. It can stand on its own 2 feet just fine.

Hope these tips are helpful to you Friend, as you continue forward on your road to freedom and beyond.

All the best,


PS: You can also check out this post in short video form here on YouTube.

This is an example of how to make videos fast and easy. I just copied the text of this post, and turned it into a video. And these simple little videos can get lots of traffic too Friend.

Here's a recent example from my channel.