Subject: 4 more joined...only 6 hours left and POOF it's gone...

Ok, Friend, I'm hunched over my computer, barely squeezing out each letter of this note with every last drop of energy I have left in me.

This promotion has been so much fun, but I'm honestly, ready for it to be over. ha ha... only 6 hours left and I can go back to resting and enjoying my freedom. I just may sleep for a week.

Quick update since my last email...

Rose Jones

Virginia Gaskin

Robin Mills

Trey Snodgrass

All decided to get started with this app.


My friend Chris who runs one of the largest financial podcasts online watched the video and told me..

"Finished! It looks great!"

I think he's going to have me on his podcast to talk about this app so his audience can learn about it too which is exciting.

Anyway, I'm not sure if I have another email in me today... I think i'm going to go play my guitar and re-charge my soul.

Promotions like this are fun, every once in a great while, but boy they can sure drain the life out of you, if you pour everything you've got, into them...

Thanks for enduring my sincere attempt to be a light in your life and help you make a decision that can truly be a blessing to you, those you know and the future of humanity.

That's no joke.

I look around and see some of the problems of the world and think to myself..

What impact could little ol' me have on some of the big stuff out there..

I've thought about this for decades, and the best answer I always come to is...

The same one I heard from Jim Rohn, all those years ago.

"For things to change, you have to change... for things to get better, you have to get better."

I think if we can each do that, and grow the number of people who are doing that each and every day, we have a shot of making this a better world for everyone.

I don't have much faith in the politicians...

It really does seem like it's up to us.

That's why I believe in this app so much, and believe even more in what it can do, for those of us, who decide to use it to help ourselves become even more than we are now.

So, here's my last invite to you.

Watch this video and see if you feel the spirit of it, calling to you...

If you do, make a decision to listen to that voice and go where it's calling you to go.

If it's not for you, it's not for you. I love and appreciate you reguardless and still think we can change the world together in whatever ways we're cultivating our own little garden plot of this ol' earth.

Coupon code is '40off' and that's good till midnight tonight, after that POOF, it's gone.

If you want my bonuses, just send me an email at and I'll get them over to you.

It may be tomorrow before I get to that because, like I said earlier, I'm spent.

Hasta la vista, freedom crusader baby!


PS: Here's the full list of everyone who's gotten started with me so far... Thanks again to everyone. I wonder what good in the world, we can do, together.

Gregory Lukasik

Josh Schonert

Susan Rader

Gregory Napier

Will Santiago

Larry Coates


Lonny Hogan

Nihat Rehmani

Richard Hairston

John Hicks

Arnita Webb

Lonny Hogan

Troy Andersen

Gus Kamassah

Brenda McEwan

Kevin Knecht

Francisco Hernandez

Mike Rife

Robin Williams


Jim and Kristi Hall

Anthony Sama

Todd Geese

John Vanderpool

Andrew Pier

John Hutcherson

Personal Power Consulting

Amy Starr Allen

Brandon Falter

Jona Howe

Bobby Mitchell

Winnie M Peric

Debbie-Jane Harris

Trav Reagan

Bear Bangs

Elizabeth Willis


Rochelle Capers

Jen Moore

Todd Donnelly

Earl Zwissler

Dave Grosz

Wolfgang Kern

jona howe

Bob Ward

Deb Engelhart

Jerry Goldsmith

Jessie Jenkins

sotiris bassakaropoulos

Stephanie Liell


Pas Simpson

Bryanna Black

Angela Johnson

Inkwon Jung

Gary Singh

Larry Coates

Felix Fegurgur

Tracey Russell

Valeri Byrd

Elizabeth Rice Founder

Van Cayton

Bill Moist

Alison Franklin

Dirk van Waasbergen

Robert Fore

Mike Rife

Mike Hobbs

Brandon Falter

Nelson Kung

Andrew Narehood

Frank Teshima

Dan Snell

Lorenzo Rothery

Gary Norris

Susan Beesley

Netherda Lori

Pam Wallace

Bronwen Oehlschlager

Joseph Bradley

Dr. Jim Emerson

Lindy Sweeney

Tyler Morgan

Rob Skinner

Joseph Rodriguez

Tiffany Greer

Blaine Hone

Bill Froehlich

Jake Poulin

Ronalyn Monforte

Andrew Blaser

Gina Fink

Booker Williams

Del Ray Miles

Ryan Gunness

Jeffrey Brown

Rose Jones

Virginia Gaskin

Robin Mills

Trey Snodgrass