Subject: 3 more joined! (Demystifying prompts & super prompts)

Hello again Friend!

Well, I'm back from my nap and a workout + run with my 18 year old son and I'm happy to report that 3 more people saw this video and decided to get started. WAHOOO!

Welcome aboard,

Tiffany Greer

Blaine Hone

Bill Froehlich

I really think you're going to LOVE this app, especially if you use it every day. (Be sure to watch the first video in the training section to learn how to put it on your phone home screen.)

Also, I got an email from a great guy named Michael, who saw my last email about my bonuses and asked me...

"Paul, what the heck is a 'prompt' or 'super prompt?'

Not exacty in those words, but that was pretty much what he asked me.

Sooooo.... I'm so sorry if I confused you with that bonus too Friend...

Sounds like I've got some splainin' to do...

A.I. AKA - Artificial Intelligence exploded in capabilities over the last year.

I've been following people talking about A.I. and what's coming in it, for well over a decade.

For most of that time it was all "What's going to happen" but very little of "What's actually happening."

This last year, that all changed.

Suddenly, A.I. can....

Write articles

Research topics

Fix grammer and spelling and puncuation

Write poetry

Write music

Write Emails

Compose Social media posts

Create STUNNING images and art

Edit videos

Transcribe videos

And so much more...

Finally, A.I. can do mind-blowing things for every day people like you and I.

The world of content creation is especially primed to profit in big ways from these new capabilities.

There are numerous tools you can use to begin to use this technology in ways that can actually help you in your business each and every day.

Google Bard, Microsoft co-pilot, Chat GPT, and so many more...

We even added an A.I. tool connection inside one of our products so people can begin to experience the power of what it can do. "Our tool is called Emerson, and is connected to one of the most powerful A.I. Models"

Anyway, the way you interact with A.I. is by entering text based requests called 'Prompts.'

Here's an example of a simple prompt...

"Hey, can you please write me a facebook post on The Home Business Academy."

These simple prompts can produce amazing results and simple, average, every day people like you and I can use these requests to get help with so much of what we do inside of our businesses.

Since I'm super interested in technology, and also, because I co-founded a company that endeavors to help people use technology to create freedom, I do my best to stay on the cutting edge of what's happening.

On this journey, I've learned that while simple 'prompts' can get great results that literally shock people...

Super prompts, can be vastly more effective in creating the exact output from A.I. that you're looking for...

I have a subscription to a private training site created by one of the world's most 'in the know' A.I. researchers and i've learned a few things about crafting prompts that are a tad more advanced than the normal 'prompts' that people use.

These are called 'super prompts'.

So while a simple prompt might be a sentence long question...

A super prompt, often times can be a paragraph or more long, with examples and very detailed guidance for the A.I. to produce exactly what it is your looking for.

So... in my super prompt bonus, I give you my top 3 favorite super prompts that I created, and use, that help me with

  • Video Thumbnail images

  • Headline Ideas and Examples

These are prompts that you can copy/paste into A.I. that are likely to get you much more specific and useful output, than the average 'prompt.'

I hope this explains it a bit better.

I want to also be clear that you don't need to use A.I. in marketing to create success in building an income from home.

Also, in using it, if you decide to do so, you want to learn to use it in the right way.

It won't replace your experience, your voice, your personality or your heart for people.

So, if you use it, you have to sort of combine it with the beauty of you.

If you do that, it can be SOOOOOPER useful in helping you to come up with ideas, research, writing some of your content... and so much more...

Ok, that's all for now.

Have a great night and thanks for reading.

Thanks Michael, also, for the great question.

I welcome questions and odds are, if you have a question, someone else does to.

When you have the courage to ask it - you're not just helping yourself, you're likely helping someone else too.


PS: We have just under 24 hours left on our 40% discount.

Use coupon code '40off' when you click the red button below the video on this page to get started for just $6, and get the app and my bonuses, if you want.

So super thankful to everyone listed below who's gotten started with me on this journey of personal growth, transformation and freedom, so far...

Gregory Lukasik

Josh Schonert

Susan Rader

Gregory Napier

Will Santiago

Larry Coates


Lonny Hogan

Nihat Rehmani

Richard Hairston

John Hicks

Arnita Webb

Lonny Hogan

Troy Andersen

Gus Kamassah

Brenda McEwan

Kevin Knecht

Francisco Hernandez

Mike Rife

Robin Williams


Jim and Kristi Hall

Anthony Sama

Todd Geese

John Vanderpool

Andrew Pier

John Hutcherson

Personal Power Consulting

Amy Starr Allen

Brandon Falter

Jona Howe

Bobby Mitchell

Winnie M Peric

Debbie-Jane Harris

Trav Reagan

Bear Bangs

Elizabeth Willis


Rochelle Capers

Jen Moore

Todd Donnelly

Earl Zwissler

Dave Grosz

Wolfgang Kern

jona howe

Bob Ward

Deb Engelhart

Jerry Goldsmith

Jessie Jenkins

sotiris bassakaropoulos

Stephanie Liell


Pas Simpson

Bryanna Black

Angela Johnson

Inkwon Jung

Gary Singh

Larry Coates

Felix Fegurgur

Tracey Russell

Valeri Byrd

Elizabeth Rice Founder

Van Cayton

Bill Moist

Alison Franklin

Dirk van Waasbergen

Robert Fore

Mike Rife

Mike Hobbs

Brandon Falter

Nelson Kung

Andrew Narehood

Frank Teshima

Dan Snell

Lorenzo Rothery

Gary Norris

Susan Beesley

Netherda Lori

Pam Wallace

Bronwen Oehlschlager

Joseph Bradley

Dr. Jim Emerson

Lindy Sweeney

Tyler Morgan

Rob Skinner

Joseph Rodriguez

Tiffany Greer

Blaine Hone

Bill Froehlich