Subject: [#24] A Kid's Guide To Success


Yesterday I published a brand new podcast episode and if you listen, you can not only pick up a formula for success, so simple, even a kid can do it, but you can also hear some of the most valuable insights from my journey to freedom that can hopefully, inspire you and empower you on yours. (You can also find this on Itunes & Google Play)

I cut out a little 2 minute clip of this podcast and posted on my YouTube channel and something awesome happened.

This morning as I was dropping my son off at the end of the driveway to catch the bus, I showed it to him.

The story was about him and some coaching I gave him when he was 3 years old and the CRAZY thing was, the lesson I taught him way back then, is embedded in his being today in a deep way.

I told him this morning that I don't know if it was because of what I taught him, or for some other reason, but regardless, this kid gets whatever he sets his mind to, period. 

I told him 'Son, that's a great trait to have' and he smiled as he ran off to catch the bus.

The affect we can have on ourselves and the people around us when we strive to have best and brightest impact possible, is amazing and seems to always ripple back to us in the most surprising ways.

Make it a great day Friend, and be on the lookout for a really important email from me later today or tomorrow with something very special.

All the best,


PS - Shout out to Heidi Nuttall who followed the instructions in yesterday's email and got so excited she filled out the form and got started immediately without even waiting for the new special something that's coming later.