Subject: $2,285,409 and 4 cents... (+ special weekend offer)

Happy Freedom Friday Friend,

Hope you're doing awesome and ready for a great weekend!

So I have a cool little piece of good news to share with you.

Last week, one of our awesome affiliates reached out to me and asked if I knew how much we've done in sales so far.

Unfortunately, we don't have the total amount because we changed tracking programs a while after we started the company, none the less I logged in to see what we did have tracked.

Look what I saw..

That's over 2 million buckaroos on products we created and started from scratch in a company we run from our homes.

(Without high ticket offers, I might add)

What's even more exciting is that since we pay all of our affiliates 80% commissions, that's a lot of freedom cash stuffed into people's pockets.

And on top of THAT, since we donate a percentage of all sales to charity, we've helped to provide over 107,405.50  full days worth of meals to kid's in need throughout the world.

Anyway Friend, I'm pretty excited about all this especially because we are past the hard part.. (the beginning) and are now ready to take this to the world!

I'm looking for a handful of people to work with personally and help get started this next week and just wanted to reach out and see if the timing is right for you.

I'm going to clear space in my calendar next week for 5 new member coaching sessions where I'll work with you 1 on 1 to get things set up so you can join us in building faster freedom with 80% principle centered residual commissions and products that can enhance ANY business with online marketing ninja skills. :-)

If this sounds like something you'd like to take advantage of, this is the video to watch.

Sometimes people tell me that the video is too long because it's more than 5 minutes.

Let me ask you this question...

If a millionaire told you he was willing to teach you and spend time with you but that the video he wanted you to watch was an hour long...

Would you tell him 'That's too long?'

If so, then this is definitely not for you.

Anyway, if it IS for you, just watch that video all the way to the end, follow the instructions and after you get signed up... I'll send you a special welcome video along with some mind blowing surprise bonuses... and we can schedule a time to connect 1 on 1 next week.

That's it for now and hope you have an awesome weekend!

All the best,
