Subject: 2 Ways To Avoid Manipulating And Manipulation

Hey Friend,

Yesterday I was talking to a great friend & team member who has some awesome and amazing experience with hypnotherapy, NLP, and all forms of psychological therapy.

She also has some great experience in the home business profession and, both she and I, have reflected on what we've seen and experienced in various forms of influence.

We got into a discussion on 'Is there a difference between influence and manipulation?'

If you're in sales or marketing, of course the name of the game is influence.

The great big question staring us all in the face, though, is HOW?

How do we want to be influenced and how do we want to influence others?

Are there slimy ways to do this?

Are there ways to do this that feel good and always leave everyone feeling better for the interaction?

In today's video, I share 2 key distinctions, that I believe can help us influence ourselves and others in the highest and best ways.

Hope this helps us all influence ourselves and others more, in the most positive ways.

All the best,


PS - Huge shout out to Tracy Carlin who took a close look at what I'm doing in business and made a decision to get started. WAHOOO!

On top of that, Tracy paid me such a wonderful compliment that also has a great lesson in it.

Here's what he said...

PPS - This is proof positive, that one of the things I talk about in today's video, is a very valid way to live and treat people and in this case, it turns out it was profitable for business too!

If you'd like to see what Tracy and I are doing, just follow the instructions at the end of my video OR reply to this email and let me know that you'd like to see what we're doing.

Talk soon!