Subject: #18 - Tim Edwards, Multiple 7 Figure Earner...

Hey Friend,

I just posted my new podcast interview with the amazing Tim Edwards. 

Tim has a fascinating story. He was a millionaire at 29 and went on to become a multiple 7 figure earner in network marketing.

He grew the fastest sponsoring team in a multi-billion dollar company (Nu Skin) and was able to fully retire twice. (He's currently the master distributor for a worldwide company)

There are all kinds of golden nuggets in this interview like...

  • The Truth about why you should never be afraid to connect with successful entrepreneurs about your business.

  • What's even better than the 'perfect script'

  • The 2 things that solidify retention (and residuals)

  • And more...

This was fun, inspiring and educational.

I hope it's a great investment into your better future.

All the best,
