Subject: ✨ "This Is God's Work" ✨

Hey Friend,

In case you missed this message that I sent last night.. Wanted to send again because it's important and as you focus and read this email, you may find a very special doorway to something both profound and profitable.

One of our beloved affiliates made this post the other day and I wanted to share it because it touched my heart and helped me to remember why what we do matters... It's also a great reminder that problems and challenges are no reason to quit because we can always create solutions and turn those problems into opportunities to be a blessing for others.

This is Amy and below this pic is what she wrote..

Many businesses and companies are started and run based on intricate business plans and forecasts that predict future growth.

Not in this case...

Our company and community has continued to grow organically... as servant leaders keep showing up and providing service- pouring their hearts and souls into the betterment of the company.

Because of this, this company is literally run on heart and service- while helping people to be free way faster by keeping the costs low.

I've never experienced anything like this before.

Not only that but we are, as a community, providing so many meals to starving children around the world that company representatives from the charity that we donate to are moved to tears when they call the founders of the company to thank them.

Coincidence? I don't think so.

This is God's work. And as the miracles continue to unfold here, I just sit here and watch in awe.

Often in life, we feel like we know exactly what is going on, or think that we are in control.

But, when we allow things to unfold on their own, we often find out the plan is much bigger than we could have possibly planned or predicted.

Our only job is to cease to interfere with the perfection of life.

Was I looking for an online community or a business venture 2.5 years ago when I found this place?

Nope. I was sure I was done forever with the Home Business Industry.

I'm still happily done with MLM/Network Marketing, because I was tired of being controlled and limited, not to mention hurt.

And then this community that stands for freedom in every way showed up in front of me. (And it's not MLM ).

It just goes to show that even a business decision is fair game for a miracle.

The perfection of what surrounds us here is enough to challenge the rational mind...

I'm just feeling so grateful and, as my friend Bobi says, I have to pinch myself sometimes.

I'm so glad I followed my heart and didn't overthink anything. And it never ceases to amaze me what's possible when we act in this way.

I'm so excited for what the future holds for all of us and for all of the children whose lives will be transformed as we continue to be the change.

Thank you to all of the freedom crusaders in our community... you feed my soul, fill me up, and remind me that, no matter what else is going on in the world or what obstacles I may face, I am held by you. I love you.

---- END QUOTE -----

This is why I and we do what we do. To be the change we wish to see in the Home Business World. To be a light, and shine a light for others so we can all walk a better path to freedom and beyond.

If any of that resonates with you Friend, I'd love for you to review everything on this page and seriously consider getting started with me (and us) if you haven't already done so.

My friend Todd said "I believe this is an opportunity of a lifetime" and I'd have to agree with him. Not because this is something that I had a role in creating, but more so because its' something that's being created through me and us, because it has a special mission and purpose on this planet.

Of course, I'll keep sending you value, tips, insights and inspiration to serve you in whatever you're doing, in whatever way I can...

And, I'm going to keep inviting you to consider joining me and us because we can serve you on a much higher level once you're inside, whether you choose to build an income with our affiliate program or not.

'Follow your heart Friend. This life is your message to the world, let it be extraordinary.'

