Subject: 💪 Quick fit body tip for our 11:11 TTT challenge 💪

Hey Friend,

Just about to head to bed but wanted to send you a quick 'fit body' tip in preparation for our upcoming 11:11 Trinity Transformation challenge...

When I started paying attention to my calorie count I began to be shocked at the amount of calories contained in soda pop.

In the slow carb diet, Tim Ferris says “don’t drink your calories.”

This is because if you're training your body to stay within X amount of calories per day, one soda pop can eat up a huge chunk of those calories without giving your body any sustaining nutrition in return.

Drinking a pop with 280 or 300 calories means you get less food, with junk instead that leaves you hungry.

Since high school, I was hooked on mountain dew.

When I started to pay attention to calories last year, it was easy to let this habit go.

There’s plenty of good stuff to drink in the place of soda.

Water, of course - or water sweetened with some sort of low calorie nutrition powder, or even low calorie or no calorie soft drinks if you must.

I believe this is one of the biggest changes I made that helped me to shed the fat and keep it off.

If you're not already following this advice, I'd love to invite you to make this simple little change in preparation for an AMAZING transformation in health, wealth & happiness as we head into the next few months.

If you haven't already heard all the details about our 11:11 TT challenge, be sure and dial into the replay of Friday's mastermind 712-432-0990 Access 565762# before Monday morning so you can hear all about it.

This could be just what you need to make a HUGE shift in your life. And I'm ready to make the shift with you, if you're down.

Paul (& my friend & biz partner Mike) :-)

PS : This is where you can get access to The Mastermind Collection I mention on the call above, and join our Facebook group for the challenge.

PPS: If you're down Friend, make sure you join the group and let us know you're in, just like Minister Kristian and Rita Joye did here...

The challenge is free, the group is free, the calls are free, - there is no purchase required for any of this... I truly just want to make the next 4 months transformational for myself and for as many others as I possibly can.