Subject:Β πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–


I believe the fact that you opened this email means you have heart.

I wanted to share a quick but profound lesson I recently learned. I think this could be the most powerful business less I've learned in my entire career.

Are you ready for it?

The best service cannot be bought, it must be given.

How did I learn this lesson? I've been on the receiving end of some of the best business gifts I could have ever received and these gifts have been given to serve me and our community, from the heart, with nothing asked for in return.

Here are 2 examples. Today, one of our amazing, talented, heart-centered affiliates, put together a video collage of what some of our members had to say about our community because she feels that our community is the most valuable aspect of what we offer.

She made this video on her own time, without being asked, and did such an amazing job, I literally had tears in my eyes at the end of the video.

She made it, and gave it, from the heart.

Here it is if you'd like to see it.

Her idea is that we add this video to our all in one presentation page, which was created by another highly skilled heart in our community, Nick Bramble.

Nick has been creating high converting sales funnels for YEARS, in fact, one funnel he created gathered 60,000 members in less than a year.

Nick created this funnel and (you guessed it) gave it, from his heart, to our community because he loves us and the vision of helping people to be free.

You can see the page he created here and if you look down to the community section, you'll see where we plan to add Amy's video.

I was recently reading the good book and in the first book, in the eleventh chapter (1:11) it said something about the people being one and that nothing they imagined could be restrained from them.

I truly believe that we are experiencing a sense of one ness and my mind wonders what is possible as we continue to pour the best of what we all have together, for the highest good.

Anyway Friend, If you get nothing else from this email, please just remember that the best gifts can't be bought, and when you give from your heart, in the best way you know how, it seems to activate the same in others, and you receive in ways that are so profound, your heart feels like it wants to burst because it's over flowing with gratitude.

Have a great night Friend, and thanks so much for reading.

Oh, and one more thing... my long awaited bonuses are FINALLY almost done. I've been working hard on them all week and they are turning out much better than I ever could have imagined.

If you decide to get started here, you can be one of the first to see and receive these brand new gifts from my heart to yours, created from a sincere desire to help you be free.

Talk more soon!
