Subject: Special Message to My Paid Subscribers

Hi All,

I am just back from my trip to London, unfortunately I spent most of
the Christmas celebrations ill in bed but otherwise I had a great time.

This is a personal message to you all to say 'Thank You' for having
supported me in launching Exact Trading and the Price Action Course.

As I promised, in 2016 I will be supporting you in your desire to become
profitable in the FX markets, there will be a two track system, those
that are paid subscribers who have purchased 'Forex Uncensored' will
receive the cream of what I have to offer and full support in their endeavours.

You will start to receive information during the coming week but think of this
as an education so please be patient with yourselves as you learn what
I have to show you.

Thanks again and here is to a very profitable 2016.

Best wishes

Paul Langham