Subject: FX London Seminar Planning - East India Club 25th November

Dear All,

This is just a short email as reminder that you are subscribed to the Exact Trading
Automated FX trading seminar next Saturday in London at the East India Club
in London St James.

I will be sending a mail every day between now and Saturday with updates and details of the seminar..

One important point to mention. I have been alerted by the East India Club,to the fact that there is a dress code on all day's including weekends.

All people in the club need to wear a tie and that includes us.

I hope that this will not cause issues for people, they have suggested a jacket and tie is sufficient, so it is not necessary to wear a suit.

If any onyone has issues with this please mail me back and I will
try to help you out.

Looking forward to Saturday.

Kind regards
Paul Langham