Subject: Exact Trading; News on 2016 approach to success in the FX markets

Hi All,

Welcome to a short pep talk and explanation video which I shot for
you whilst over in London shooting Exact Trading TV (Forex)

The purpose of the video is to explain that I am looking for consistency
from you as a trader, the amount of money you trade or lack of money should not
be an issue, you can trade demo but you must have a trading plan.

The easiest and most profitable sessions are London and New York
as it is during those sessions we get the huge weight of money
entering the market and as a result the momentum we need.

The video briefly explains what I need, which is traders looking to turn professional
who can consistently trade a certain setup, make it their own and show that
they can trade with a low draw down.

As I said above, nobody needs ten of thousand even in order to get going
consistency on demo is enough or a small micro account even. We can build from
there, the possibilities are limitless once we get going.

Please drop me an email if you have questions or would like help

Kind regards
