REAL FINANCIALS the cost made to renovate and update the place
800000 Alluminium Facade 300000 All furnitures, sofa and tables 500000 Refrigerators 7 all 200000 Pizza ovens 2 200000 all crockery, liquor, wine, food stock, utensils, etc 500000 for running business with online Grab, reviews, reputation, etc
Total 2500000
Expenses details 35000 rent 15000 electric bill 90000 salaries 110000 raw material (average) mainly depends on sale
250000 Total
Monthly average sales since last 4 months Nov 430000 Dec 622000 Jan 746000 Feb 581000
Tot 2379000
Profit in last 4 months 2379000-1209000= 1170000