Hello Friend, Great to have contact again and welcome to the new subscribers. "Pattaya Money Makers" points at businesses for sale that has proven records for years to make money and good profits during high AND low season periods. Here 3 "Pattaya Money Makers" options.
Below with posters are 2 money makers but the winner is an "off" Walking Street with no pictures of full details but the investments of 8,500,000.00 THB take over and 130k THB rental plus 3 months deposit creates a income of 1,000,000.00 THB per month. We only can mention it is a double open bar with unique design successful for many years. To get information about this just send us a short email by clicking here.
The other 2 options are with more details. Just click on the posters to get full details... Agents are welcome. Pattaya Property Network MK (Karres Travel Co.,Ltd)