| | Today's One of the Best Properties for YOU... Click on the poster below to get more details |
| | Large Bar to Take Over in Pattaya City Close to third road, walking distance to Bhua Kao Super large bar, 3 units wide, 120 Sqm space Fully equipped bar with POS system, lights, music Separated toilets for man/woman, space for kitchen Offered with full alcohol stock, 2 pool tables Covered terrace, family friendly commercial Restaurant potential with hotel in front (without restaurant) All licenses in place, comes with Ltd to run the business Up and running fully staffed making money with good ROI All interior brand new - super cheap rent of 25k THB / month Take over 1.2m THB All included turnkey to open today Contact Information: Pattayapropertynetwork@gmail.com Call Khun M (Praditsorn Chaiyathip): 080-001-8209 or 0614 3456 37
| | Exclusive Listings Agents with buyers welcome, will get fair commission in case of a sale... Click on posters for more details
| | | Spectacular Investors Dream to Double Money Easy 100+ Rooms midrise residence hotel on 2.000 Sqm of land Building 6 floors high, 1.000 + sqm empty rooftop to use Perfect located in the commercial heart of Pattaya city
62 Studio units between 35 Sqm and 47 Sqm 17 one-bedroom units between 60 Sqm and 69 Sqm 18 two-bedroom units 104 Sqm 3 tree-bedroom units between 104 Sqm and 195 Sqm 5 extra units now used for staff, office and stockrooms Units are fully furnished, some have private sauna and Jacuzzi Selling on Ltd name, previous price 200m THB plus NOW OFFERED AT A SPECTACULARE 140m THB ALL INCLUDED |
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