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| | 🔑 Bookshop/Coffee shop Take Over Pattaya Superb located for the purpose, 2 km from beach Surrounded with hotels, guesthouse, businesses Large parking space nearby, easy accessible for clients Second hand plus exchange bookshop turn key business Separate space as coffee shop socializing book lovers Over 60.000 books in shelfs, 60% non-fiction, all sorted 1 floor shop space over 300 sqm, fully renovated Customers can trade, buy and borrow books Experienced staff member run the business 7 days per week Business is built up over almost 20 years activities Marketing can be expended via social media, reader groups meet Unbelievable low rental price of only 8.000 THB/Month Electricity 2k THB/month, 1 staff run all for 15 years already Owner only sells because of serious health issues New contract made direct to landlord for 3+3+3 year Selling price all included set on 2.5m THB, all included Contact Information: Pattayapropertynetwork@gmail.com highvaluespattaya@gmail.com Call Khun M (Praditsorn Chaiyathip): 080-001-8209 or 061-434-5637 Company: Highvalues Ltd Running Under Pattaya Legal Consultants Visit our office: 448/4-5 12 Thepprasit Rd, Pattaya City, Bang Lamung District, Chon Buri 20150
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