We are pleased to announce the formal release of Pathagoras v. 2025. This version contains many new tools, improved features, and helpful screen modifications. Many of the new features have actually been part of the program for quite a few months now, and have been well tested by those who asked for the features. We publicly release this version only after we had thoroughly tested those new features. The complete list of new features can be found at his link. Here are a few of the 'big' ones: If you use and love Content Controls in your other projects, you will love Pathagoras' adaptation of this powerful tool. Our implementation of Content Controls makes this optional feature at least a 'we should consider this for some of our documents' tool. Let's assume the variable in your document is [Client Name]. Via the Instant Database, you have assigned that variable to the value "Robert Q. Doe, III". Now let's say you want to insert just the client's first name (or last name) in the salutation. To do so, repeat the variable, but add the argument '(first)' to the variable just to the right of the base name.
[Client Name] [Client Address] [Client City, ST ZIP]
Dear [Client Name(first)], <==Just add (first) and Pathagoras will return just the first name.
Thank you for contacting our office . . . .
No need for a separate '[Client First Name]' variable. This was an often requested tool that we simply had to back-burner in favor of other tools. But now that we have programmed it, we regret not having done it sooner. Read more about this tool, which goes beyond what some of the big guys can even too, at this link. If your firm generates large transactional document requiring complex and repetitive sets of signature block that seem to individually take a long time to process, this 'dynamic signature block' tool will significantly speed up your processing time.
We have added one more element to the short collection of <<*Ask*. . . >> commands for the AskTable. The set-up is simply <<*AskVariable*[variable name]*>>. We are not recommending frequent use of this command (the Instant Database still being the preferred method of replacing variables in your documents), but if you have only a few variables in your document and don't need/want to save the variable-to-value pairing for future documents, this is a cool tool. Read more about <<*AskVariable* . . . >> at this link. The full list of new and improved features in Pathagoras v. 2025 can be viewed here. |