I am embarking on an advertising blast with TechnoLawyer for
2018 and need to ask a favor from you.
While I have advertised with TechnoLawyer in the past, this campaign will be a bit different. Neil
Squillante, head honcho at TechnoLawyer, has always counselled me that the earlier TechnoReleases I had written had the wrong emphasis. I didn't listen very well and went my own way. But now I am going to change course and listen to the pros. Makes my wife happy, too.
Neil pointed out that, instead of listing features of the program (my 'old' practice), I
should be gathering and relating success stories. Instead of presenting bullet points of major features, I should be describing how Pathagoras made a difference to real users
in real law office settings.
To that end, I am reaching out to my customers for
descriptions of how Pathagoras has improved office operations, reduced typos, made life easier,
solved global warming and similar things. Our goal is to incorporate your responses into a series of whitepaper(s) and vignettes. Those would then be blended into the various articles that will serve as the advertising blast.
Might you be willing to put something together for me? There is no outline you need to follow. It's not quite a testimonial, but rather a description of how Pathagoras works for you. Anything you choose to write would be greatly appreciated. Shoot it over to me and we’ll take it from there. (A reply to this email will work, or just send it to info@pathagoras.com.) Also, if you would, indicate whether you might be willing to participate in a short Q and A clarification session with my 'copy manager.' (I've gone 'big time' with this. But don't worry. You still will get me when you call re: a Pathagoras question.)
Glad to chat on the phone if you wish. Thanks again.
(BTW, if you don’t subscribe to TechnoLawyer, you should check
them out. It’s a great resource for both the tech-savvy lawyer and for those who are
just starting the process of becoming one. Written by lawyers for lawyers.)
Thanks for your time.