Subject: Pathagoras 2016.2 Released. Wonderful Updates!

Pathagoras 2016.2
    We have been continuing our Spring cleaning of Pathagoras. New (and returning) users have expressed great appreciation for how our new look has made it easy to learn to use the program and to create some quite fancy documents in very short order.
  • Most welcome seems to be the 'Beginners', 'Intermediate' and 'Advanced' Guides accessible through the Pathagoras toolbar. The quick access, compact displays, and improved description of the features, are notable improvements over the previous tutorials.
  • Some have suggested (and we have implemented) new 'tips' scripts so that when the cursor is hovered over a particular button more information is provided, or options allowed.
  • Others have suggested adding more right-click menus and actions at strategic locations. Done. (E.g., check out the right click menus in the Libraries and Books screens.)
     Thanks to all who have made suggestions on how to improve the look and feel of Pathagoras. Keep those cards and letters coming. You guys always have such great ideas!

     Some of the suggestions and program changes since the last mailing are more substantive. Indeed, so substantive, and so plentiful, that an upgrade in the version is warranted. So we announce here the release of Pathagoras version 2016.2.

     Here are some of the newest improvements and additions:
    • Excel files as primary Instant Database data source:
      Many users store important data regarding their clients in Excel files. Perhaps you use Excel as an intake form. Perhaps you need to perform complex mathematical or other calculations in a spreadsheet and want to transfer the result, along with client/customer infromation stored there, into Word. Prior to version 2016.2, you could access the data, but it took 5 or more steps to import it into your Instant Database screen. We have cut that to 2. It's now as easy as it is to recall a 'regular' record from your Existing Records collection.

      The setup simply requires storing your Excel files that you want to use with Pathagoras in a folder you choose, and letting Pathagoras know where that folder resides. Adding more/new records? Not a problem. Pathagoras dynamically reads the folder and always displays the most current content.
      On call, Pathagoras will instantly display a list of the stored spreadsheets Whether the spreadsheet has named cells, or you are using a simple 2-column record, Pathagoras will quickly display the variables to values pairings. Pathagoras will also automatically add brackets to the variable names so they pair up with variables in your documents. And, just as it does with 'standard' Instant Database records, if any variables exist in the underlying document don’t exist in your spreadsheet, they will be added at the bottom of the IDB screen.

      Press Next on the IDB screen and the replacements are made. You will also be asked if you want to save the variables-to-values pairings as a new IDB record. We recommend 'Yes', especially if you have variables in your documents that do not exist in your Excel records.

      This new tool has some pretty far reaching implications.
      It allows anyone in your office (or anyone outside of your office -- clients, customers, you at home) to create a data record using just Excel. There is no need to have to have Pathagoras installed! So long as the record is stored in a folder where Pathagoras is directed to search, you have an Instant Database.

      Click here for more information in the Manual re: Instant Excel Data.

      Click here to download a sample two column simple spreadsheet

      Click here to download a sample spreadsheet with named cells.

    • Mirroring your settings:
      We have added a second approach to sharing settings and setups among multiple users. If you own multiple Pathagoras licenses, you can now mirror all or some of the installations. With mirroring enabled, all books, profiles, DropDown Lists, *Aliases* and IDB data records will be duplicated on each computer set for mirroring. Don't worry. It's optional, and password-able to make sure only those authorized to make changes can do so.

      Changes made to any common setting will automatically reflect on all mirrored computers. See Mirroring in the Manual. (For users who have implemented sharing of files via a Common Profiles Path, that still exists. We have renamed that function 'Sharing' to distinguish it from Mirroring. With Sharing, only selected settings are shared, and then only with affirmative uploads and downloads.)

    • Shortcut Improvements:
      Shortcuts are 'link' files in one folder (or on your desktop) that point to other files stored elsewhere. (They typically appear as normal icons, with a small curved arrow superimposed in the lower left corner.)

      For Pathagoras purposes you might paste a shortcut to several standard clauses into one of your books instead of a copy of an actual document. That way, if the source document needs to be modified, you only have to do it once.

      Pathagoras could actually handle shortcuts since version 8.1, but there was a requirement shortcuts used for document assembly derive from the same location and carry the same name as the original document. Now, there are no restrictions. Any number of shortcuts can point to any number of locations. Properly used, shortcuts can be a remarkable 'multiplier' of boilerplate text.
    • Clause Selection and Instant Database Screen Improvements:
      Width sliders: When document names (for the Clause Selection screen) or variable names (for the Instant Database screen) are wider than the initial display, you can now grab a 'slider' in the lower right side of the screen and increase the width to view the entire value. (To set a default opening width, you would still use the resizer buttons to set the default. Make sure the click the 'lock' button.)

      Right click options: You can now right click on books in the Document Assembly screen to reset, rename or repoint those books. You can right click on the informational bar at the foot of the Instant Database screen to repoint to a common location of your IDB records.

    • Default Values for *Aliases* and Multiple Choice Variables:
      It is now possible to set a 'default value' for your multiple choice lists. When the choices come from an *Alias* or from a hard coded list, just type a '#' in front of the value you want to be the default. When the list is displayed in the Instant Database screen, the item marked as the default will appear in the field. You can still select any of the other choices, by when you use one choice more than the others, it's nice not to have to make a selection every time.

    • Mail Merge Improvements:
      The power of 'plain text' mail merge takes another step forward. Using the power of Excel and the ease of use of Pathagoras, you can now create en masse any number of highly personalized letters or reports.

      Mail merge with just Word tools allow you to personalize letters with names and a few individualized values. If your recipients need significantly varying content, including distinct text passages, charts, images, etc., Pathagoras can oblige.

      When Pathagoras was first introduced, users would ask if even simple mail merge was possible. We had to say 'No.' Beginning with version 10, we introduced simple mail merging. It was a hit, but still not very 'different' from what Word already offered.

      Now we can say 'Yes, with a vengeance.' We even have the audacity to suggest that it provides the most powerful mail merge routine available. One user has over 450 contacts. Each contact requires unique text, charts and images. Pathagoras can handle that with ease and remarkable speed.

      Another 'better than Word' feature. Let's say you want to save each individually merged document. You cannot in Word, at least not in an automated fashion. But you can with Pathagoras. And it's all done with plain text variables and a simple link to an Excel spreadsheet.

      Read more at this link.

    • DropDown List improvements: Excel connectivity
      Not a new feature, but an improvement that practically qualifies as such. You can now quickly link your document to an Excel spreadsheet (or portion thereof) with DropDown List speed and elegance.

    • *Aliases* as DropDown Lists:
      You can now add one (or more) of your *Aliases* to a DropDown List. (Aliases are single word references to a long list of items. E.g., *States* representing the 50 United States of America; *Attorneys* representing all the attorneys in your firm, etc.) Assigning an alias to DropDown List and you will be able to two-click in any item in the list. See this page in the Manual.

    • Sentence assembly with *Aliases*:
      Got a bunch of words or short phrases you typically use to create sentences for reports? For lawyers, it might be the prayer clauses in pleadings. For medical professionals, it might be a listing of medications, or descriptions of observations or behaviors.

      Pathagoras' *Alias* tools make it easy to display and select one, 5, a dozen, a hundred, etc. elements from an *Alias* list and quickly insert those selections into your text. Create (or finish) a sentence, a numbered list, a bulleted list, anything you want. Extremely fast and extremely elegant. One beta tester called it 'beautiful.' See this page in the Manual.

    • New (and some old) Alt-G calls:
      • Meeting(Alt-G) will start a GoToMeeting session
      • Last(Alt-G) will recall the last document called via Pathagoras.
      • Lastpath(Alt-G) will open the last folder you worked with.
      • (quicklink name)(Alt-G) will open folder assigned to QuickLink name. See 'QuickLinks' in Manual
      • (#)(Alt-G) will open folder assigned to 'SmartPath' number in PathSmart module.
      • (document name)(Alt-G) will insert text of named document. Requires that named document be present in one of your DropDown Lists.
    • New (and some old) Date-Variables:
      • [Date of Contract]
      • [Date of Contract(ext)]
      • [Date of Contract(num)]
      • [Date of Contract(num4)]

    Some oldies but goodies.
    Just a reminder of some fantastic Pathagoras tools that you may have forgotten:
    • 'Sub-sets'. Create small 'books' from big ones, while keeping your documents in the same folder. It's perfect for when your books (folders or glossaries) contain more documents than you need/want to display for a particular type of document. With this new tool, you can create and display a 'sub-set' of the whole, making a bit easier to find the desired clauses. Check out Subsets at the link.

    • Pathagorizing a folder (vs. a document) at a time: Replace 'John Doe' with [Client Name], '123 Main Street' with '[Client Address]', etc., not just in the underlying document, but in all documents in a designated folder. Replace up to 60 distinct personal values with Pathagoras variables in one pass. Read more here. This will dramatically speed up your 'Pathagorizing' efforts.

    • 'Dot Variables': These are 'static variables stored in the same file as your *Aliases*. They can be referenced in your documents in a style such as [.FirmName], [.FirmName.Attorney] and possibly [.FirmName.Attorney.Bar Number]. Documentation of this feature in the Manual beginning with this link. I am interested in your thoughts on how you see this idea being further implemented.

    • QuickLinks: This is a really ‘cool’ application introduced last fall. Imagine that you have assigned the folder 'Clients' in which you store your clients’ documents to the QuickLink word ‘clients.’ To access the folder, simply type “clients” anywhere on an editing screen and press Alt-G. Instantly, the folder called 'Clients' appears. No navigation. Want to hone in on a particular clients folder? Just type 'clients/jo' Alt-G and all folders (Jones, Johnson,Jordan etc) will be displayed for you to choose. (How is this document assembly? you may ask. Well, Pathagoras’ roots are actually based in super-fast folder navigation -- hence the ‘Path’ in Pathagoras. We extended the fast navigation concept into document assembly, and all associated with that. But we have not lost touch with our roots.) Read more about QuickLinks here.
        As always, I appreciate your kind words complimenting the program and encouraging its development. I also very much appreciate your valuable suggestions. I am told constantly that Pathagoras offers an incredibly easy path to document automation, and we strive to keep it that way.
    If you are within a year of your initial purchase or renewal of your Annual Support Agreement, or are a monthly subscriber, the Pathagoras 2016.2 upgrade is free to you. Just click the button below. At the next page, insert your Serial Number and Pathagoras will let you know where you stand. (If you don't know your serial number, no problem. Just write.)

    Roy Lasris
    Innovative Software Products of Virginia
    1-866-PATHAGO1-866-PATHAGOras (1-866-728-42461-866-728-4246 FREE) (tollfree)
    (757) 877-2244(757) 877-2244 (Virginia, USA -day)
    (757) 898-7374(757) 898-7374 (Virginia, USA -eve)

    Demo Users
    If you are still within your initial 90 day free trial period, you can finish up your trial with the latest, greatest version. Log back onto the site (button below) and click any 90 day trial button. If you are beyond the 90 days, but still not sure if Pathagoras fits your needs, think about a monthly subscription  to Pathagoras. It's only $25 per month.

    117 Chisman Landing, Seaford, VA 23696, United States
    You may unsubscribe or change your contact details at any time.